Duplicate Entry



I have a table named TRBOOKS. It has a primary key which is called CITATION
NUMBER. I created a form called, frmtrbooks that has a subform on it. The
citation number is a combox that lists all of the citations numbers. So,
when the users wants to retreive or add data to a certain record they can
select the citation number. On the form I have additional fields. They are
called, date received, issue date, and dt forwarded. When the user adds an
issue date it gives the following error message, "The changes you requested
to the table were not successful b/c they would create duplicate values in
the index, primary key, or relationship. Change the data in the field or
fields that contain duplicate data, remove the index, or redefine the index
to permit duplicate entries and try again."
Why can't it have duplicate dates? I used the duplicated entry wizard and
found no duplicate citation numbers. What do you think can be causes me to
receive this error message? Thanking you in advance for your reply.


Most likely the problem is that the combo for CITATION NUMBER is a bound
control, so when you change the selection in the combo, you are changing the
value in the current record. Combo boxes used for searching should be
unbound controls. A way to handle that is to have a hidden text box that is
the bound control CITATION NUMBER.


How would I hide the text box?

Klatuu said:
Most likely the problem is that the combo for CITATION NUMBER is a bound
control, so when you change the selection in the combo, you are changing the
value in the current record. Combo boxes used for searching should be
unbound controls. A way to handle that is to have a hidden text box that is
the bound control CITATION NUMBER.


Now, I am having another problem. For example, when I click on citation
number TB00000001, in the combo box, I know that it is record 1 . However,
when I tab over to the next field, it jumps to record 2 which is TB00000002
even though TB00000001 is still displaying in the combo box. So, if I wanted
to modify citation # TB00000001, it will update the information for citation
number TB00000002. What could be causing this? Thanks.

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