Dynamic Range Names?



I am working with a column of numbers that represent ½ hour intervals
(12:00AM, 12:30AM, 01:00AM, etc..., 11:30PM) that run from A11:A58.

This range of data serves as the X Axis for a chart showing performance in
the given interval.


I must use the same template for multiple vendors and they have different
hours of operations (HOO).

Is there a way to do something like:
IF B2="Vendor1, Vendor4 or Vendor5"
Then let the range A21:A58 be named "HOO"
Else let the range A25:A52 be named "HOO"


Can I use the INDIRECT or VLOOKUP to insert the X Axis range for me?

Bob Phillips

Yeah, use a formula like this to define the name with




(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)

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