dynamically/programatically creating Pivot Charts using Office Chart component


iis hung

Hello, I need of some assistance from someone who has experience
programmatically creating Pivot Charts... I have been working on this
for almost a week now searching for examples on line, reading through
all of my books etc. but not making much headway. In addition, I'm
hoping for some insight for whether I am taking a good approach to
this. I could use some guidance and/or insight from someone with more
experience doing this.

Here is what I'm trying to do:

Dynamically create a line chart that displays time series of 2
different measures.

- avg age of problems since enter date
- avg age of problems since transaction date.

X axis will show dates for time range and the values for the 2 measures
just mentioned will be plotted for each day over the time series.

User specifies time range on a form - ie.3/29/1/06 - 6/1/06 and the
program should generate a graph (either as a form within a report, or
as a form that pops up in pivot chart view)

sample date:
3/29/2006 305 10
3/30/2006 305 10
3/31/2006 306 11
4/1/2006 307 12
4/3/2006 309 14
4/4/2006 310 15
4/5/2006 311 16
4/6/2006 140 7

- Dynamically create SQL String
- Open ADO Recordset and obtain data for chart and put into strings
- Open a new form
- add chartspace to form
- add series to chart
- add data to the series, specify categories and values

My Line graph is appearing for both series of data but ......

there are perhaps too many values for the X axis (Category fields)
Probably there are almost 100 date values returned from the query (30
days per month * 3). Each date has a corresponding series value that
is an AVERAGE.

The chart displayed is not showing all of the dates and appears to be
summing up the values of all these averages creating an inaccurate

If anyone has insight, please let me know. Thanks.Any suggestions,
help, or guidance will be greatly appreciated. I also have code that
I can share as needed.... Thanks in advance for any help you can
provide on this.

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