Edit query with Sql using user input



Ok, I am baffled. I have tried numerous things.................

I want to let the user select the criteria to perform a search. Then I would
like to export the search results to excel.

(Sample code if user selects an ENTITY. If they select more than one
criteria, I concatenate the strSQL to include all criteria.)
strSQL = "SELECT provider FROM invoicing WHERE provider = " & "'" &
Forms!SEARCH!ListEntity & "';"

I have already created a query with the name QSummary. So my intention was
to edit the QSummary somehow with strSQL.This is where my problem is. How do
I edit the results of an existing query with code in order to export to Excel?

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, 8, "QSummary", "C:\INVOICING.xls"
FollowHyperlink "C:\INVOICING.xls"

Any and all help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Steve Schapel


Why don't you put [Forms]![SEARCH]![ListEntity] directly into the
criteria of the Provider field in the QSummary query?


Hi Steve,
Thank you for your quick response.

However, I think that I want something a bit different.

I created application with a bunch of forms. The users only see the forms.
They do not see the queries in design mode. So, when the user clicks on the
command button 'search', a form opens and the user can input into textboxes
and/or select from a few listboxes in order to create their search criteria.
This search criteria is stored in a strSQL. I would like to export the
search results into Excel. What I want to do is to send the strSQL to an
already existing query. And export that query to Excel. Do you think that
this is possible? Thanks.

Steve Schapel said:

Why don't you put [Forms]![SEARCH]![ListEntity] directly into the
criteria of the Provider field in the QSummary query?

Steve Schapel, Microsoft Access MVP
Ok, I am baffled. I have tried numerous things.................

I want to let the user select the criteria to perform a search. Then I would
like to export the search results to excel.

(Sample code if user selects an ENTITY. If they select more than one
criteria, I concatenate the strSQL to include all criteria.)
strSQL = "SELECT provider FROM invoicing WHERE provider = " & "'" &
Forms!SEARCH!ListEntity & "';"

I have already created a query with the name QSummary. So my intention was
to edit the QSummary somehow with strSQL.This is where my problem is. How do
I edit the results of an existing query with code in order to export to Excel?

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, 8, "QSummary", "C:\INVOICING.xls"
FollowHyperlink "C:\INVOICING.xls"

Any and all help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Steve Schapel


Yes, this is possible, but as I hinted at before, more complicated than
necessary. To me, it would be easier to just put the criteria straight
into the query, and I still can't see why you don't do that.

Otherwise, something like this (caution: air code, untested!)

Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim BaseSQL As String
Dim strSQL As String
Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set qdf = dbs.QueryDefs("YourOriginalQuery"­)
BaseSQL = qdf.SQL
strSQL = Left(BaseSQL, Len(BaseSQL)-3) & " WHERE blabla ... your
qdf.SQL = strSQL
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet ....
qdf.SQL = BaseSQL
Set qdf = Nothing
Set dbs = Nothing


Steve, Thank you very much for your help and expertise. With your help, I
finally got on the right track and figured it out!!!!!!!!!!!!

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