Email validation?



Charlotte said:
Is it possible to validate if an email contains a valid top-level-domain?

The actual list is currently here:
Perhaps someone has a function?

The easiest and (IMO) best way is to put the valid TLDs in a spreadsheet and
check against that:
Function validTLD(what As String) As Boolean
Dim tld As String, L0 As Long
tld = UCase$(Mid$(what, InStrRev(what, ".")))
If IsNumeric(tld) Then validTLD = True: Exit Function
For L0 = 1 To 326 '->
If tld = TLDlist.Cells(L0, 1).Value Then validTLD = True: Exit Function
End Function

If using a sheet isn't an option, you can build a big nasty array:
Function validTLD(what As String) As Boolean
Dim valid As Variant, tld As String, L0 As Long
tld = UCase$(Mid$(what, InStrRev(what, ".")))
If IsNumeric(tld) Then validTLD = True: Exit Function
valid = Array(".AC", ".AD", ..., ".ZM", ".ZW", ChrW(&H30C6) & _
ChrW(&H30B9) & ChrW(&H30C8), ...)
For L0 = 0 To UBound(valid)
If tld = valid(L0) Then validTLD = True: Exit Function
End Function

....or a big nasty Select Case:
Function validTLD(what As String) As Boolean
Dim tld As String, L0 As Long
tld = UCase$(Mid$(what, InStrRev(what, ".")))
If IsNumeric(tld) Then validTLD = True: Exit Function
Select Case tld
Case ".AC", ".AD", ..., ".ZM", ".ZW", ChrW(&H30C6) & ChrW(&H30B9) & _
ChrW(&H30C8), ...
validTLD = True
End Select
End Function

....but for either of those you'd need to do the "ChrW & ChrW & ChrW" thing
about 50 times.

Charlotte E.

Thanks for your suggestion :)

My solution:

Let the VBA do a WebQuery to import the TLD list at WB startup, and then
test the given email, by a simple VLOOKUP.

Really not that hard once you got to think about it :)

Thanks anyway...


Den 09.04.2012 07:53, Auric__ skrev:

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