EMF feature/bug


Hector C.

Powerpoint does not translate correctly EMF files into Microsoft Office
drawing objects.

I prepare my slides using latex->dvips->pstoedit because I have many
equations and LaTeX is unbeatable at typesetting mathematical stuff.
After translating dvi->ps->emf, I got an EMF file that I can drag and
drop at a PowerPoint presentation. It looks nice because the text and
graphics are vectors. Now, I'd like to apply PP color schemes, so I
ungroup the EMF graph (using right click->Group->ungroup). A dialog is
shown: "This is an imported picture ...". The resulting object doesn't
keep the position of the characters in the EMF. Sometimes, it renders it
unusuable (quantities in the numerator might go to the denominator!).

Is there any other way to apply color schemes to EMF graphs? I've found
the color schemes in PP a life savior when you don't know (or cannot
control) the illumination conditions of the room. But I need my
equations to change colors too.

++Hector C.

PS. It would be nice if PP could import DVI files from LaTeX. My
classmates (and most of the faculty) use Macs because they can use PDF
(from pdflatex) in their presentations. I bought pstoedit, but you can
go only so far without native support.