Enforcing worksheet Naming Conventions - Trapping Copy/Rename work



I have a workbook with a number of standard worksheets, whose names should
not be altered by the user. The user IS allowed to add new "user defined"
worksheets to the workbook. Somewhat different rules will apply for user
defined vs standard worksheets, so I want to be able to distinguish between
them using an enforced worksheet naming convention.

To do this, I'd like to be able to trap all user actions that add new
worksheets to the workbook. I've found the NewSheet event, which is fine. I
still need to find the following:

1) How can I tap into the Copy worksheet action/command, so that when a
worksheet is copied from another workbook, I can impose my naming convention?
2) How can I tap into the worksheet rename action/command so that I can
again enforce my naming convention?


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