Ensure macros enabled - C. Pearson's sheet visibility method

  • Thread starter Horatio J. Bilge, Jr.
  • Start date

Horatio J. Bilge, Jr.

I am using Chip Pearson's sheet visibility method for ensuring the macros are
enabled (http://www.cpearson.com/excel/EnableMacros.aspx).
I need to modify it so more than just the Introduction sheet are visible
when macros are enabled.
The sheets that I want to appear when macros are disable are:
About, Requirements, Charts, ListANoMacros, and ListBNoMacros.
When Macros are enabled I want to see About, Requirements, Charts, ListA,
and ListB.
The bulk of the code goes into a general module, which I've tried tweaking,
but I just got a big mess; so I've just pasted the original code from Chip's
site below.

Private Const C_SHEETSTATE_NAME = "SheetState"
Private Const C_INTRO_SHEETNAME = "Introduction"
Private Const C_WORKBOOK_PASSWORD = "abc"

Sub SaveStateAndHide()
' SaveStateAndHide
' This is called from Workbook_BeforeClose.
' This procedure saves the Visible propreties of all worksheets
' in the workbook. This will run only if macros are enabled. It
' saves the Visible properties as a colon-delimited string, each
' element of which is the Visible property of a sheet. In the
' property string, C_INTRO_SHEETNAME is set to xlSheetVeryHidden
' so that if the workbook is opened with macros enabled, that
' sheet will not be visible. If macros are not enabled, only
' that sheet will be visible.
Dim S As String
Dim WS As Object
Dim N As Long
' Protection settings. We must be
' able to unprotect the workbook in
' order to modify the sheet visibility
' properties. We will restore the
' protection at the end of this procedure.
Dim HasProtectWindows As Boolean
Dim HasProtectStructure As Boolean

' Save the workbook's protection settings and
' attempt to unprotect the workbook.
HasProtectWindows = ThisWorkbook.ProtectWindows
HasProtectStructure = ThisWorkbook.ProtectStructure

ThisWorkbook.Unprotect Password:=C_WORKBOOK_PASSWORD

' Make the introduction sheet visible
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(C_INTRO_SHEETNAME).Visible = xlSheetVisible
' Delete the Name. Ignore error if it doesn't
' exist.
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
For Each WS In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
' Create a string of the sheet visibility
' properties, separated by ':' characters.
' Do not put a ':' after the last sheet. Always
' set the visible property of the Introduction
' sheet to xlSheetVeryHidden. Don't put a ':'
' after the last sheet visible property.
S = S & IIf(StrComp(WS.Name, C_INTRO_SHEETNAME, vbTextCompare) = 0, _
CStr(xlSheetVeryHidden), CStr(WS.Visible)) & _
IIf(WS.Index = ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count, "", ":")
' If WS is the intro sheet, make it visible,
' otherwise make it VeryHidden. This sets all
' sheets except C_INTRO_SHEETNAME to very
' hidden.
If StrComp(WS.Name, C_INTRO_SHEETNAME, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
WS.Visible = xlSheetVisible
WS.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden
End If
Next WS
' Save the property string in a defined name.
ThisWorkbook.Names.Add Name:=C_SHEETSTATE_NAME, RefersTo:=Chr(39) & S,

' Set the workbook protection back to what it was.
ThisWorkbook.Protect C_WORKBOOK_PASSWORD, _
structure:=HasProtectStructure, Windows:=HasProtectWindows

End Sub

Sub UnHideSheets()
' UnHideSheets
' This is called by Workbook_Open to hide the introduction sheet
' and set all the other worksheets to their visible state that
' was stored when the workbook was last closed. The introduction
' sheet is set to xlSheetVeryHidden. This maro is executed only
' is macros are enabled. If the workbook is opened without
' macros enabled, only the introduction sheet will be visible.
' If an error occurs, make the intro sheet visible and get out.

Dim S As String
Dim N As Long
Dim VisibleArr As Variant
Dim HasProtectWindows As Boolean
Dim HasProtectStructure As Boolean

' Save the workbook's protection settings and
' attempt to unprotect the workbook.
HasProtectWindows = ThisWorkbook.ProtectWindows
HasProtectStructure = ThisWorkbook.ProtectStructure

ThisWorkbook.Unprotect Password:=C_WORKBOOK_PASSWORD

On Error GoTo ErrHandler:
' Get the defined name that contains the sheet visible
' properties and clean up the string.
S = ThisWorkbook.Names(C_SHEETSTATE_NAME).RefersTo
S = Mid(S, 4, Len(S) - 4)

' Set VisibleArr to an array of the visible properties,
' one element per worksheet.
If InStr(1, S, ":", vbBinaryCompare) = 0 Then
VisibleArr = Array(S)
VisibleArr = Split(S, ":")
End If
' Loop through the array and set the Visible propety
' for each sheet. If we're processing the C_INTRO_SHEETNAME
' sheet, make it Visible (since it may be the only
' visible sheet). We'll hide it later after the
' loop.
For N = LBound(VisibleArr) To UBound(VisibleArr)
If StrComp(ThisWorkbook.Sheets(N - LBound(VisibleArr) + 1).Name,
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(C_INTRO_SHEETNAME).Visible = xlSheetVisible
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(N - LBound(VisibleArr) + 1).Visible =
End If
Next N

' Hide the INTRO sheet.
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(C_INTRO_SHEETNAME).Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden

' Set the workbook protection back to what it was.
ThisWorkbook.Protect Password:=C_WORKBOOK_PASSWORD, _
structure:=HasProtectStructure, Windows:=HasProtectWindows

Exit Sub

ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(C_INTRO_SHEETNAME).Visible = xlSheetVisible

End Sub

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