Enter Parameter Value: report

  • Thread starter The Dog Breeders List
  • Start date

The Dog Breeders List

I know this is a simple problem, but right now it's kicking my butt.
It asks for Addresses: Email address
I have a table: Addresses that has a query run against it, successfully.
The report is run using the query that does not have email address in the
query. This is where I am getting into trouble, trying to create a report
against this query.
Thanks in advance.

Allen Browne

So the query itself runs without asking for the parameter, but the report
based on the query pops up a dialog asking for the parameter value when you
run it?

Some places to look:
- In the Filter property of the report
- In the Sorting And Grouping pane of the report
- In the Control Source of any control on the report

If you still can't find it, and you really don't want to solve the problem
merely by outputting the field in your query, you could use this utility to
find it:
Where is a field used? - Search tables, queries, forms, and reports for
a field name

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