Entourage hung up


Mike Tardy

I am writing from another account as mine is hung up. I was sending an
email when the spinning rainbow arrived. I have tried rebooting and
restarting. Nothing works. Entourage is not responding and I have to force
quit. What do I do?

Diane Ross

I am writing from another account as mine is hung up. I was sending an
email when the spinning rainbow arrived. I have tried rebooting and
restarting. Nothing works. Entourage is not responding and I have to force
quit. What do I do?

Hold down the Shift key when launching Entourage. this disables schedules.

Look in the Outbox for a message that could be causing the problem. You
might be able to copy the message body and paste into a new email. Check
the attachments if any that could be affecting the problem too.

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