error in making a mde file



Access 2003-error-This error is usually associated with compiling a large
database into an MDE file. Due to the method used to compile the database, a
considerable number of TableID references are created for each table. The
Microsoft Jet database engine version 4.0 can only create a maximum of 2048
open TableIDs at one time. Exporting a database as an MDE potentially can
exceed this limit if the database has a large number of objects (table,
macro, form, report, etc).
There is no accurate method to estimate the number of TableIDs the Jet
database engine uses during the process of compiling a database as an MDE.
However, each VBA module and each form uses one TableID, as a result, if the
database has 500 forms, and each form's HasModule property is set to Yes, as
many as 1,000 TableIDs are used.
More information about this error message online.

ruralguy via

Start with Tools>Database Utilities...>Compact and Repair
or whatever ac2K3 has like that.
Then a /Decompile
Compact and Repair again and then compile. Then Compact and Repair again.

Then try to make MDE again.

It is is still a problem then create a new/empty mdb and turn OFF Name
Tools>Options>General tab
And turn ON Compact on Close while on that tab.
Close and open the new db
Import everything from the Old db and then close the new db. It only takes
Now try to make MDE again. It must be in the ac2002-ac2003 format or it will
not make.

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