Error installing the Accelerator for Six Sigma on the server


Armand Khoury


I am trying to install the Microsoft Office solution Accelerator for Six
Sigma on our current MS EPM deployment.

While installing the server part of the setup (mass_server.msi):
- The msi installation completes successfully.
- But when I try to configure it by running the following file:
“CustomActionInstall.cmd†I am getting the following error when the
InstallUtil.exe command runs: "The remote server returned an error: (415)."
- IIS is then stopped and restarted successfully.
- I am not being able to find the "SixSigma MSA PDS Caller" component in
Component Services > Computers > My Computer > COM+ applications.

I have searched the internet and the discussion boards for a clue of what's
going on but I found no answers, so I hope there's someone here who can help
me out with this!

My MS EPM deployment architecture (2 servers) is the following:
- MS Windows 2003 Enterprise, MS SQL Server 2000, MS SQL Analysis Services,
MS Project Server 2003, WSS2.0SP1 are installed on one server (the one I am
trying to install the Server part of the Six Sigma Accelerator on)
- MS Windows 2003 Enterprise, MS Project 2003 Web Access and MS Project
Professional 2003 are installed on the other server.

Thanks in advance for any help that you may provide me.



Armand Khoury

Hi Gord,

Well I can't see how Outlook 2000 will help me solve this error...

It's not the MS EPM that I am having problems installing neither the Web
Access, they are both already installed and functional... What I am trying to
install and receiving this error is the "Microsoft Office Solution
Accelerator for Six Sigma", which is a component, if we can call it, that
plugs in and gives MS Project special features in order to be able to create
Six Sigma compliant projects.

It has nothing to do with Microsoft Outlook, and more precisely I am having
problems installing the server part of the accelerator which has nothing to
do with MS Outlook... I mean MS Outlook does not have to be installed on the
server... MS Outlook has only to be installed if end-users wnat to have the
ability of importing their tasks to MS Outlook, and we have already installed
this feature...



Gary L. Chefetz \(MVP\)


I think Gord was trying to reply to the message immediately above your post.
Call it a clickhap. Meanwhile, you should know that there are very few folks
here that actually use this solution starter. You say that you have Project
Server installed one server and Project Web Access installed on another
server. I find this statement confusing. Could you clarify?


Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
"We wrote the books on Project Server"

For Project Server FAQs visit

For Project FAQs visit


Armand Khoury

Hi Gary,

In the Accelerator for Six Sigma documentation, they say that the client
part of the accelerator should not be installed on the Project Server PC nor
on a Server that has an SQL Server 2000 installation.

And since both MS Project Professional and MS Project Web Access are
considered as clients of the MS EPM product therefore I installed MS Project
Server 2003, WSS and SQL on one server and the front-end Web Access and MS
Project Professional on another server so that I can install the client part
of the accelerator.

This deployment scenario exists in the documentation with the only exception
that in the documentation, SQL Server 2000 is installed on a third server

Doe it pose a problem if I have SQL Server 2000 installed on the same PC as
Project Server 2003? There's nothing in the documentation that says that you
cannot install the server part of the accelerator on the same PC as the
Project Server 2003 or SQL...

What do you think?

Thank you for your support, I really appreciate it since as you said there
are few people who have actually installed the accelerator for Six Sigma and
I am finding difficulty in installing it...


Gary L. Chefetz \(MVP\)


In as much as I haven't installed this version of the accelerator, I'm at a
loss to understand the scenario as you've described it. When you install
Project Server, it installs Web Access, so what you're describing continues
to confuse me. If I get a chance, I'll download the installation
instructions and see if I can interpret them.


Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
"We wrote the books on Project Server"

For Project Server FAQs visit

For Project FAQs visit


Armand Khoury

Hi Garry,

Well you're talking about the single server deployment scenario where all
the components of the MS EPM product are installed on a single server.

There are plenty of other multi-server deployment scenarios where you can
install each component of the MS EPM product on a different server. While
installing you can choose which components to install, one of the 3
components you may choose among is the "Front-End" component which is
actually the Web Access (to my understanding, am I right?)...

So that's what I mean by Web Access, the Front-End component of MS EPM...

Thanks for your support,


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