Error Message



I recently downloaded the Entourage upgrade 10.1.4 which upgraded
Office X. Since then I have been getting the following error message
whenever I start up Excel X v10.1.4
"An unexpected error occurred while trying to load the Microsoft
Framework X library."

The program runs with no problem after clicking OK. Is there
something of concern here or can it be ignored?


Jim Gordon


You'll get that message if some component or process of office is already
running (and shouldn't be) when you try to start up a different office

The problem is that I can think of a whole lot of ways this could happen.
The hard part will be tracking down what is running, shutting that down, and
then try to figure out why it was running in the first place.

Let's start with something really easy. Look in your System control panels
for the Login panel. You should only see one Microsoft daemon. Remove all
Microsoft daemons you find there. Restart the computer. Did that fix it?

-Jim Gordon

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