Error: Name can't begin with the '0' character, hexadecimal value


Atul Saxena

Dear All,

I am working exchange server & fetching task of outlook 2007
through MSXML2.XMLHTTP30 now I am facing the following error
"Name cannot begin with the '0' character, hexadecimal value
0x30. Line 1, position 564" while reading XML. Please help me to
solve this problem. I am also mentioning the code below:

Private Function ReadTask(ByVal stURI As System.String)

Dim sQuery As String
Dim status As Integer

' Open the item."PROPFIND", stURI, False,
Me.UserNameAlias, Me.Password)
' Set up the query to get subject, from, and to.

sQuery = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding = 'utf-8'?>" &
"<aropfind xmlns:a='DAV:'
xmlns:m='urn:schemas:mailheader:' " & _

"xmlns:b='urn:uuid:c2f41010-65b3-11d1-a29f-00aa00c 14882/' " & _

"xmlns:g='urn:schemas:httpmail:' " & _

"xmlns:i='" & _
"{00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}/' " &

"xmlns:h='" & _
"{00062003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}/'> "
& _
"<arop>" & _
"<m:subject/>" & _
"</arop>" & _
"<arop>" & _
"<g:textdescription/>" & _
"</arop>" & _
"<arop>" & _
"<h:0x00008102/>" & _
"</arop>" & _
"<arop>" & _
"<h:0x00008104/>" & _
"</arop>" & _
"<arop>" & _
"<h:0x00008101/>" & _
"</arop>" & _
"<arop>" & _
"<i:0x8516/>" & _
"</arop>" & _
"<arop>" & _
"<i:0x8517/>" & _
"</arop>" & _

' Set up request headers.
oXMLHttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml")

' oXMLHttp.setRequestHeader("Brief", "t")
' Send the query.

status = CheckStatus(oXMLHttp.status)
If status = En.enStatus.Multi_Status Then

Call ParseTaskXML(oXMLHttp.responseText)
End If

Catch ex As Exception
Throw New Exception(ex.Message, ex.InnerException)
sQuery = Nothing
status = Nothing
End Try
End Function

Private Function ParseTaskXML(ByVal responseText As
Dim reader As New XmlNodeReader(xmlDoc)

While reader.Read()
If reader.Name.ToLower() = "d:subject" Then
strSubject = reader.ReadInnerXml()
End If
If reader.Name.ToLower() = "e:textdescription"
Me.strDescription = reader.ReadInnerXml

End If
If reader.Name.ToLower() = "f:0x00008102" Then
Me.dbTasksCompletedPercent reader.ReadInnerXml()
End If
If reader.Name.ToLower() = "g:0x8516" Then
Me.dtTasksStartDate = reader.ReadInnerXml

End If
If reader.Name.ToLower() = "g:0x8517" Then
Me.dtTasksDueDate = reader.ReadInnerXml()
End If
If reader.Name.ToLower() = "f:0x00008101" Then
' reader.ReadInnerXml
End If

End While
Catch ex As Exception
Throw New Exception(ex.Message, ex.InnerException)
reader = Nothing
End Try

End Function

Brian Tillman

Atul Saxena said:
I am working exchange server & fetching task of outlook 2007
through MSXML2.XMLHTTP30 now I am facing the following error
"Name cannot begin with the '0' character, hexadecimal value
0x30. Line 1, position 564" while reading XML. Please help me to
solve this problem. I am also mentioning the code below:

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