Error Pivot Table and ASP.NET!!!

  • Thread starter Renato Leandro Giuliana
  • Start date

Renato Leandro Giuliana

Hi list...

I have a page aspx with the code below:
Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

'Create an in-memory reference to the PivotTable component.

Dim oPivot

oPivot = Server.CreateObject("OWC10.PivotTable")

'Connect to the database and provide the commandtext for the rowset.

oPivot.ConnectionString = "Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _

"Data Source = c:\program files\microsoft office\office10\" & _


oPivot.CommandText = "Select
CategoryName,ProductName,ProductSales,ShippedQuarter from [Product Sales for

Dim oView

oView = oPivot.ActiveView

'Add fields to the row axis and column axis for grouping.

Dim oCategoryFields, oProductFields, oQtrFields, oTotalSales

oCategoryFields = oView.FieldSets("CategoryName")

oCategoryFields.Fields(0).Caption = "Category"


oProductFields = oView.FieldSets("ProductName")

oProductFields.Fields(0).Caption = "Product"


oQtrFields = oView.FieldSets("ShippedQuarter")


oQtrFields.Fields(0).Caption = "Quarter"

oView.DataAxis.InsertTotal(oView.AddTotal("Total Sales",
oView.Fieldsets("ProductSales").Fields(0), oPivot.Constants.plFunctionSum))

oView.Totals("Total Sales").NumberFormat = "$#,##0"

'Add a total for the ProductSales fieldset.

oView.Totals(oTotalSales).NumberFormat = "$#,##0"

'Collapse rows and columns.

oView.ExpandDetails = oPivot.Constants.plExpandNever

'Hide the Filter axis and change the PivotTable title.

oView.FilterAxis.Label.Visible = False

oView.TitleBar.Caption = "Product Sales for 1997"

oView.TitleBar.BackColor = "Black"

'Change colors and font style for the fields and subtotals.

oPivot.BackColor = "Lavender"

oView.FieldLabelBackColor = "Lavender"

oView.TotalBackColor = "White"

oView.HeaderBackColor = "Gold"

oQtrFields.Fields(0).GroupedBackColor = "MidnightBlue"

oQtrFields.Fields(0).GroupedFont.Color = "Lavender"

oQtrFields.Fields(0).SubtotalBackColor = "Gold"

oQtrFields.Fields(0).SubtotalLabelBackColor = "MidnightBlue"

oQtrFields.Fields(0).SubtotalLabelFont.Bold = True

oQtrFields.Fields(0).SubtotalLabelFont.Color = "Lavender"

oProductFields.Fields(0).GroupedBackColor = "MidnightBlue"

oProductFields.Fields(0).GroupedFont.Color = "Lavender"

oProductFields.Fields(0).SubtotalBackColor = "LemonChiffon"

oProductFields.Fields(0).SubtotalLabelBackColor = "MidNightBlue"

oProductFields.Fields(0).SubtotalFont.Bold = True

oProductFields.Fields(0).SubtotalLabelFont.Color = "LemonChiffon"

oProductFields.Fields(0).SubtotalLabelFont.Bold = True

oCategoryFields.Fields(0).GroupedBackColor = "MidnightBlue"

oCategoryFields.Fields(0).GroupedFont.Color = "Lavender"

oCategoryFields.Fields(0).SubtotalBackColor = "Gold"

oCategoryFields.Fields(0).SubtotalLabelBackColor = "MidNightBlue"

oCategoryFields.Fields(0).SubtotalLabelFont.Bold = True

oCategoryFields.Fields(0).SubtotalLabelFont.Color = "Lavender"


End Sub

When I execute this page I received this error message:

System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: Member not found



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