Error Problem

  • Thread starter Haggr1 via
  • Start date

Haggr1 via

Below is the code used to run 2 queries, 1 is an "Append Query and the other
is an Update Query", to run consecutively, w/o error messages. This
performed fine for a year until "I" ran ("debug" > "compile") in the "Visual
Basic Window". Now it returns an error message "Changes not successful...
duplicate values, primary key..." (There is no option to click "OK" thru
this message)

I can go to the "Query Folder" and run each query independently
and acknowledge each potenial error:

1 About to run append query...
2 About to append (345) rows
3 Can't append all ... only appended 280 rows.

which click "OK" and all is fine.

This is the code to run the two "Queries" consecutively

Private Sub Command49_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command49_Click

With CurrentDb
DoCmd.Hourglass True
.Execute "qrystyleappendstyle", dbFailOnError
.Execute "qrystylegary", dbFailOnError
End With

DoCmd.Hourglass False

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command49_Click

End Sub

Here is the SQL for both Queries

"qrystyleappendstyle" The Append

INSERT INTO style ( Job, [Order], Qty, c, Item, [Size], Avl, Type, Due, Age,
[Req'd], [Curr Routing], Sts, Days, Field17, Field18, Field19,
Field21, Field22, Field23, Ordered, Field25, Style )
SELECT Import.Job, Import.Order, Import.Qty, Import.C, Import.Item, Import.
Size, Import.Avl, Import.Type, Import.Due, Import.Age, Import.[Req'd], Import.
[Curr Routing], Import.Sts, Import.Days, Import.Field17, Import.Field18,
Import.Field19, Import.Left, Import.Field21, Import.Field22, Import.Field23,
Import.Ordered, Import.Field25, Import.Style
FROM Import
WHERE (((Import.Job) Is Not Null) AND ((Import.Type)<>"laser" And (Import.
Type)<>"engrave" And (Import.Type)<>"mill" And (Import.Type)<>"tu"));

"qrystylegary" The Update

UPDATE Style SET Style.MatchString = fGetFirstChars_Nums_w([item]);

Below the the "Module" that is called on for the Update Query

Public Function fGetFirstChars_Nums_w(pString As Variant) As String
Dim tmp As String
Dim tmpStr As String
Dim strRemStr As String
Dim strNxtChar As String
Dim strPrevChar As String
Dim strW As String
Dim bytChrLoc As Byte
Dim bytWLoc As Byte
Dim bytRemLen As Byte
Dim bytStrLen As Byte
Dim strHyphen As String
Dim cntr
Dim NoNumber As Boolean
Dim NoW As Boolean

'set the values of the flags
NoNumber = False
NoW = False
If Len(Trim(pString & "")) > 0 Then
'rule "B" - if the string contains a "/"
bytChrLoc = InStr(1, pString, "/")
If bytChrLoc > 0 Then
'the following code will loop until the
'previous character is numberic
'Character before the "/" must be a number
strPrevChar = MID(pString, bytChrLoc - 1, 1)
If IsNumeric(strPrevChar) Then
tmp = Left(pString, bytChrLoc - 1)
'next check for any number following the "/"
strRemStr = Right(pString, Len(pString) - bytChrLoc)
bytRemLen = Len(strRemStr)
For cntr = 1 To bytRemLen
strNxtChar = MID(strRemStr, cntr, 1)
If IsNumeric(strNxtChar) Then
strNxtChar = MID(strRemStr, cntr, 1)
tmp = tmp + "/" + strNxtChar
GoTo ChkForLetterW
End If
Next cntr
If cntr = bytRemLen + 1 Then
NoNumber = True
End If
'check to see if the letter "W" exists
'in the remainin g string
bytWLoc = InStr(1, strRemStr, "W")
If bytWLoc > 0 Then
'read the "W" string from the string (no matter
' if it is a capital "W" or not it will still be
' the same character
strW = MID(strRemStr, bytWLoc, 1)
tmp = tmp + strW
NoW = True
End If
'rule "B-2" - if there is no number following the "/" and
' there is no "W" following the "/"
'use rule "A"
If NoNumber = True And NoW = True Then
GoTo RuleA
End If
'the rules for "B" have been applied and the string is ready
GoTo ReturnString
'try to find the last number in the string
bytChrLoc = bytChrLoc - 1
GoTo FindLastNum
End If
tmp = pString
End If

'rule "C" - if the string contains a "-"
bytChrLoc = InStr(1, tmp, "-")
If bytChrLoc > 0 Then
strHyphen = Right(tmp, Len(tmp) - (bytChrLoc - 1))
tmp = Left(tmp, bytChrLoc - 1)
strHyphen = ""
End If

'rule "A" - String must end with a number except when
' there is a "W" in the string
'find the last numeric value in the string
strPrevChar = Right(tmp, 1)
If IsNumeric(strPrevChar) Then
GoTo ReturnString
bytRemLen = Len(tmp)
For cntr = 1 To bytRemLen
strPrevChar = MID(tmp, Len(tmp) - cntr, 1)
If IsNumeric(strPrevChar) Then
tmpStr = Left(tmp, Len(tmp) - cntr)
GoTo ChkForExistingW
End If
Next cntr
End If
bytRemLen = Len(tmp) - Len(tmpStr)
strRemStr = Right(tmp, bytRemLen)
bytWLoc = InStr(1, strRemStr, "W")
If bytWLoc > 0 Then
'read the "W" string from the string (no matter
' if it is a capital "W" or not it will still be
' the same character
strW = MID(strRemStr, bytWLoc, 1)
tmp = tmpStr + strW
tmp = tmpStr
End If
If strHyphen > "" Then
tmp = tmp + strHyphen
End If
End If

fGetFirstChars_Nums_w = tmp
End Function

The Append Query appends records from a Tab-Delimited Text file to an Access
Table [Style]

The Update Query "UnConcatenats [Style].[Item] to [Style].[MatchString]

Ex. "XB215AA" to "XB215"

I my mind (haha) the "Error Problem" has somethingto do with <Compile> that I

Hope this is enough info and I explained this clearly. I know how my you
guys try to help.

The Query "qrystylegary" is named for one of you guys who spent a whole
weekend writing the "module fGetFirstChars_Nums_w". He even wrote the code
to run the two queries consecutively.



Below is the code used to run 2 queries, 1 is an "Append Query and the other
is an Update Query", to run consecutively, w/o error messages.  This
performed fine for a year until "I" ran ("debug" > "compile") in the "Visual
Basic Window". Now it returns an error message "Changes not successful...
duplicate values, primary key..."   (There is no option to click "OK" thru
this message)

 I can go to the "Query Folder" and run each query independently
and acknowledge each potenial error:

Just wondering, but what if you insert a

between the two queries. It sounds like one is not finishing before
the other one starts. The DoEvents should force the first to finish
before the other starts.

John Spencer

In the append query which field (or fields) is the primary key? You need to
eliminate the duplicates before doing the append.. If they are not
duplicates, you need to identify what is causing the problem with the records
that don't get appended.

If Job is the primary key and is causing the problem then you would rewrite
the query to something like the following. Note the change to the FROM clause.

INSERT INTO style ( Job, [Order], Qty, c, Item, [Size], Avl, Type, Due, Age,
[Req'd], [Curr Routing], Sts, Days, Field17, Field18, Field19,
Field21, Field22, Field23, Ordered, Field25, Style )
SELECT Import.Job, Import.Order, Import.Qty, Import.C, Import.Item
, Import.Size, Import.Avl, Import.Type, Import.Due, Import.Age,
Import.[Req'd], Import.[Curr Routing], Import.Sts, Import.Days,
Import.Field17, Import.Field18,
Import.Field19, Import.Left, Import.Field21, Import.Field22, Import.Field23,
Import.Ordered, Import.Field25, Import.Style
ON Import.Job = Style.Job
WHERE Import.Job Is Not Null
AND Import.Type<>"laser"
And Import.Type<>"engrave"
And Import.Type<>"mill"
And Import.Type<>"tu"
AND Style.Job is Null

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2010
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County
Below is the code used to run 2 queries, 1 is an "Append Query and the other
is an Update Query", to run consecutively, w/o error messages. This
performed fine for a year until "I" ran ("debug" > "compile") in the "Visual
Basic Window". Now it returns an error message "Changes not successful...
duplicate values, primary key..." (There is no option to click "OK" thru
this message)

I can go to the "Query Folder" and run each query independently
and acknowledge each potenial error:

1 About to run append query...
2 About to append (345) rows
3 Can't append all ... only appended 280 rows.

which click "OK" and all is fine.

This is the code to run the two "Queries" consecutively

Private Sub Command49_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command49_Click

With CurrentDb
DoCmd.Hourglass True
.Execute "qrystyleappendstyle", dbFailOnError
.Execute "qrystylegary", dbFailOnError
End With

DoCmd.Hourglass False

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command49_Click

End Sub

Here is the SQL for both Queries

"qrystyleappendstyle" The Append

INSERT INTO style ( Job, [Order], Qty, c, Item, [Size], Avl, Type, Due, Age,
[Req'd], [Curr Routing], Sts, Days, Field17, Field18, Field19,
Field21, Field22, Field23, Ordered, Field25, Style )
SELECT Import.Job, Import.Order, Import.Qty, Import.C, Import.Item, Import.
Size, Import.Avl, Import.Type, Import.Due, Import.Age, Import.[Req'd], Import.
[Curr Routing], Import.Sts, Import.Days, Import.Field17, Import.Field18,
Import.Field19, Import.Left, Import.Field21, Import.Field22, Import.Field23,
Import.Ordered, Import.Field25, Import.Style
FROM Import
WHERE (((Import.Job) Is Not Null) AND ((Import.Type)<>"laser" And (Import.
Type)<>"engrave" And (Import.Type)<>"mill" And (Import.Type)<>"tu"));

"qrystylegary" The Update

UPDATE Style SET Style.MatchString = fGetFirstChars_Nums_w([item]);

Below the the "Module" that is called on for the Update Query

Public Function fGetFirstChars_Nums_w(pString As Variant) As String
Dim tmp As String
Dim tmpStr As String
Dim strRemStr As String
Dim strNxtChar As String
Dim strPrevChar As String
Dim strW As String
Dim bytChrLoc As Byte
Dim bytWLoc As Byte
Dim bytRemLen As Byte
Dim bytStrLen As Byte
Dim strHyphen As String
Dim cntr
Dim NoNumber As Boolean
Dim NoW As Boolean

'set the values of the flags
NoNumber = False
NoW = False
If Len(Trim(pString & "")) > 0 Then
'rule "B" - if the string contains a "/"
bytChrLoc = InStr(1, pString, "/")
If bytChrLoc > 0 Then
'the following code will loop until the
'previous character is numberic
'Character before the "/" must be a number
strPrevChar = MID(pString, bytChrLoc - 1, 1)
If IsNumeric(strPrevChar) Then
tmp = Left(pString, bytChrLoc - 1)
'next check for any number following the "/"
strRemStr = Right(pString, Len(pString) - bytChrLoc)
bytRemLen = Len(strRemStr)
For cntr = 1 To bytRemLen
strNxtChar = MID(strRemStr, cntr, 1)
If IsNumeric(strNxtChar) Then
strNxtChar = MID(strRemStr, cntr, 1)
tmp = tmp + "/" + strNxtChar
GoTo ChkForLetterW
End If
Next cntr
If cntr = bytRemLen + 1 Then
NoNumber = True
End If
'check to see if the letter "W" exists
'in the remainin g string
bytWLoc = InStr(1, strRemStr, "W")
If bytWLoc > 0 Then
'read the "W" string from the string (no matter
' if it is a capital "W" or not it will still be
' the same character
strW = MID(strRemStr, bytWLoc, 1)
tmp = tmp + strW
NoW = True
End If
'rule "B-2" - if there is no number following the "/" and
' there is no "W" following the "/"
'use rule "A"
If NoNumber = True And NoW = True Then
GoTo RuleA
End If
'the rules for "B" have been applied and the string is ready
GoTo ReturnString
'try to find the last number in the string
bytChrLoc = bytChrLoc - 1
GoTo FindLastNum
End If
tmp = pString
End If

'rule "C" - if the string contains a "-"
bytChrLoc = InStr(1, tmp, "-")
If bytChrLoc > 0 Then
strHyphen = Right(tmp, Len(tmp) - (bytChrLoc - 1))
tmp = Left(tmp, bytChrLoc - 1)
strHyphen = ""
End If

'rule "A" - String must end with a number except when
' there is a "W" in the string
'find the last numeric value in the string
strPrevChar = Right(tmp, 1)
If IsNumeric(strPrevChar) Then
GoTo ReturnString
bytRemLen = Len(tmp)
For cntr = 1 To bytRemLen
strPrevChar = MID(tmp, Len(tmp) - cntr, 1)
If IsNumeric(strPrevChar) Then
tmpStr = Left(tmp, Len(tmp) - cntr)
GoTo ChkForExistingW
End If
Next cntr
End If
bytRemLen = Len(tmp) - Len(tmpStr)
strRemStr = Right(tmp, bytRemLen)
bytWLoc = InStr(1, strRemStr, "W")
If bytWLoc > 0 Then
'read the "W" string from the string (no matter
' if it is a capital "W" or not it will still be
' the same character
strW = MID(strRemStr, bytWLoc, 1)
tmp = tmpStr + strW
tmp = tmpStr
End If
If strHyphen > "" Then
tmp = tmp + strHyphen
End If
End If

fGetFirstChars_Nums_w = tmp
End Function

The Append Query appends records from a Tab-Delimited Text file to an Access
Table [Style]

The Update Query "UnConcatenats [Style].[Item] to [Style].[MatchString]

Ex. "XB215AA" to "XB215"

I my mind (haha) the "Error Problem" has somethingto do with <Compile> that I

Hope this is enough info and I explained this clearly. I know how my you
guys try to help.

The Query "qrystylegary" is named for one of you guys who spent a whole
weekend writing the "module fGetFirstChars_Nums_w". He even wrote the code
to run the two queries consecutively.


Haggr1 via

That did it. Thanks!!! New query name is "QryStyleAppendJohnSpencer"
You was right to assume [Style].[Job] is the primary key

John said:
In the append query which field (or fields) is the primary key? You need to
eliminate the duplicates before doing the append.. If they are not
duplicates, you need to identify what is causing the problem with the records
that don't get appended.

If Job is the primary key and is causing the problem then you would rewrite
the query to something like the following. Note the change to the FROM clause.

INSERT INTO style ( Job, [Order], Qty, c, Item, [Size], Avl, Type, Due, Age,
[Req'd], [Curr Routing], Sts, Days, Field17, Field18, Field19,
Field21, Field22, Field23, Ordered, Field25, Style )
SELECT Import.Job, Import.Order, Import.Qty, Import.C, Import.Item
, Import.Size, Import.Avl, Import.Type, Import.Due, Import.Age,
Import.[Req'd], Import.[Curr Routing], Import.Sts, Import.Days,
Import.Field17, Import.Field18,
Import.Field19, Import.Left, Import.Field21, Import.Field22, Import.Field23,
Import.Ordered, Import.Field25, Import.Style
ON Import.Job = Style.Job
WHERE Import.Job Is Not Null
AND Import.Type<>"laser"
And Import.Type<>"engrave"
And Import.Type<>"mill"
And Import.Type<>"tu"
AND Style.Job is Null

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2010
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County
Below is the code used to run 2 queries, 1 is an "Append Query and the other
is an Update Query", to run consecutively, w/o error messages. This
[quoted text clipped - 196 lines]

Haggr1 via

Thanks for your help. John's post fixed the problem the way it should have
been to start. But I can't help wondering what running <compile> might have
changed. I have an older copy of my program (before <compling>) with that
code and it works.

Below is the code used to run 2 queries, 1 is an "Append Query and the other
is an Update Query", to run consecutively, w/o error messages.  This
[quoted text clipped - 5 lines]
 I can go to the "Query Folder" and run each query independently
and acknowledge each potenial error:

Just wondering, but what if you insert a

between the two queries. It sounds like one is not finishing before
the other one starts. The DoEvents should force the first to finish
before the other starts.

John Spencer

Are you using the same data? Compiling should not have any effect on the
queries executing. The problem is that running the query directly, Access
allows you to go ahead and process the records that don't cause an error via a
user interface. When you run the code using VBA the option for user
interaction is not available, so the append does not happen.

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2010
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County
Thanks for your help. John's post fixed the problem the way it should have
been to start. But I can't help wondering what running <compile> might have
changed. I have an older copy of my program (before <compling>) with that
code and it works.

Below is the code used to run 2 queries, 1 is an "Append Query and the other
is an Update Query", to run consecutively, w/o error messages. This
[quoted text clipped - 5 lines]
I can go to the "Query Folder" and run each query independently
and acknowledge each potenial error:
Just wondering, but what if you insert a

between the two queries. It sounds like one is not finishing before
the other one starts. The DoEvents should force the first to finish
before the other starts.

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