Excel 2002 : How to move to the next cell with content ?


Mr. Low

Dear Sir,

I am a new user of EXcel 2002 and not familiar with the keyboard short cuts.

Let consider the worksheet below :

Row A B C

1 xxx xxx
2 xxx xxx
3 xxx xxx
4 xxx xxx

12500 xxx xxx xxx
xxx xxx
xxx xxx
16250 xxx xxx xxx

May I know how to move down a column of blank cells from C1 to the next
filled cell at C12500 ?

I tried to use END and Downward Arrow key, but the cursor moved to the
C16250 the last cell at the last row of the worksheet. For your information
the column C was a formulated column that was converted to values.

END and Arrow key work very well for normal cells which are not converted
from formulas to values but not in Column C. Is there anything I could do to
column C to make it normal ?



Mr. Low

Hello Dave,

I tried CTRL + down arrow, but it did not work.

The cursor moved to the last cell in the last row.

Is there any other solutions ?



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