EXcel 2002: How to rearrange data table ?


Mr. Low

Dear Sir,

I wish to rearrange data from the format of Table 1 to Table 2 as
illustrated below:

Table 1
1 KB64 PL66 TY54 FG88 JH62
2 110.00 200.00 940.00 640.00 430.00
3 330.00 300.00 920.00 120.00 680.00
4 250.00 500.00 510.00 180.00 960.00
5 360.00 400.00 210.00 130.00 920.00
6 720.00 800.00 650.00 970.00 260.00
7 810.00 790.00 640.00 470.00 650.00
8 280.00 650.00 410.00 350.00 630.00
9 190.00 620.00 140.00 380.00 270.00

Table 2

20 KB64 1 110.00
21 KB64 2 330.00
22 KB64 3 250.00
23 KB64 4 360.00
24 KB64 5 720.00
25 KB64 6 810.00
26 KB64 7 280.00
27 KB64 8 190.00
28 PL66 1 200.00
29 PL66 2 300.00
30 PL66 3 500.00
31 PL66 4 400.00
32 PL66 5 800.00
33 PL66 6 790.00
34 PL66 7 650.00
35 PL66 8 620.00
36 TY54 1 940.00
37 TY54 2 920.00
38 TY54 3 510.00
39 TY54 4 210.00
40 TY54 5 650.00
41 TY54 6 640.00
42 TY54 7 410.00
43 TY54 8 140.00
44 FG88 1 640.00
45 FG88 2 120.00
46 FG88 3 180.00
47 FG88 4 130.00
48 FG88 5 970.00
49 FG88 6 470.00
50 FG88 7 350.00
51 FG88 8 380.00
52 JH62 1 430.00
53 JH62 2 680.00
54 JH62 3 960.00
55 JH62 4 920.00
56 JH62 5 260.00
57 JH62 6 650.00
58 JH62 7 630.00
59 JH62 8 270.00

Column B in table 2 is a repeated count of 8 as the data is transposed.

May I know what formula enter at A20 ?



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