Excel 2002 Pivot Table: Can I use it for transposing data ?


Mr. Low

I have the following table :

Code 1 2 3 4
5110 xxx

I would like to rearrange the table as

Code Month Amount
5110 1 xxx
5110 2 xxx
5110 3
5110 4
5111 1
5111 2
5111 3
5111 4
5112 1

Can I use the pivot table for this task ? Also it is possible to remove the
Pivot Table Structure after rearranging ? I need to input the data in
large batches to another business system.

For the information, the Paste Special > Transpose Data function does not
rearrange the data in the manner I wanted.




Pivot table will not work for this. Yes, you can remove the structure
after rearranging, but it won't do what you want.

I do however have some code that will help. I adapted it to solve
your problem.

Public Sub splitByMonth()
'****************** constant declarations ******************
'column on this worksheet containing code
Const iSourceGLcol As Long = 1

'column on this worksheet containing date
Const iSourceDateRow As Long = 1

'row on this worksheet containing the first code
Const iSourceFirstRow As Long = 2

'destination worksheet name
Const strWshName As String = "Transpose"

'column on destination worksheet to contain code
Const iDestGLcol As Long = 1

'column on destination worksheet to contain date
Const iDestDateCol As Long = 2

'column on destination worksheet to contain amount
Const iDestAmountCol As Long = 3

'****************** variable declarations ******************

'row and column on source worksheet
Dim iCol As Long
Dim iRow As Long

'destination row on import data worksheet
Dim iRowDest As Long

'import data worksheet
Dim wsh As Excel.Worksheet

'******************** execution section ********************

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Set wsh = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Add

' check for worksheet from previous runs
' if rename operation fails, it's because
' a worksheet by that name already exists
On Error Resume Next
wsh.Name = strWshName
On Error GoTo 0

'confirm deletion
If wsh.Name <> strWshName Then
If VBA.MsgBox("Import data worksheet exists. Delete?", _
vbYesNo + vbInformation) = vbNo Then
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Exit Sub
End If
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
wsh.Name = strWshName
End If

iRowDest = 1

For iRow = iSourceFirstRow To Me.UsedRange.Rows.Count
' process each month's amount
' assuming there are 12 months, and
' first month follows code column immediately
For iCol = iSourceGLcol + 1 To iSourceGLcol + 12
wsh.Cells(iRowDest, iDestGLcol).Value = _
Me.Cells(iRow, iSourceGLcol).Value
wsh.Cells(iRowDest, iDestDateCol).Value = _
Me.Cells(iSourceDateRow, iCol).Value
wsh.Cells(iRowDest, iDestAmountCol).Value = _
Me.Cells(iRow, iCol).Value
iRowDest = iRowDest + 1
Next iCol
Next iRow

Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Let me know if you have problems with it.


Sorry forgot to add - put this code in the module of the worksheet
that has the source data, not a standard module.


OH! So you could do it with a pivot table. Nice to know.

My particular problem for which I used the code above also had
additional columns, such as annual total and code description values,
which were used in the For loop for some calculations.

Mr. Low

Hello Roger,

Thanks for the tip and many other helpful resources at the website.



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