Excel automation



How do I determine the row number that I am on in Excel so that I can use
that row number in a loop?

Here is my current code which works just fine from Access.

' Open the Excel
Set objXL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set xlBook1 = objXL.Workbooks.Open(Me.strImportPath)
objXL.Visible = True
With objXL
dtePO = .ActiveCell.Value
strPO = Str(.ActiveCell.Value)

intCnt = 0
While intCnt < 20
rs("CustomerID") = 1
rs("PONO") = strPO
rs("PODate") = dtePO
rs("ItemID") = .ActiveCell.Value
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 4).Select
rs("Qty") = .ActiveCell.Value
.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Select
rs("UPC") = .ActiveCell.Value
.ActiveCell.Offset(-1, -6).Select
intCnt = intCnt + 1

End With

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