Excel Formula



Version: 2004 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) Processor: Power PC Hello Everyone,

I have been scraching my head for a while on a specific formula I need.

I'll make it simple: I need to find the value of 'x' (in cell A1) that makes the value 'y'=0 (on cell B1). Simply talking, I need to find the marginal production cost that will make my EBITDA=0. Is there any formula capable of such thing ?

Thank you all for your answers and sorry if this has been posted already but I didn't seem to find anything.



No issue with you posting the question but 2 points to make :)

1- It should be posted as a NEW message rather than as a REPLY in an
existing thread... Especially since this thread has been inactive for a
while & had absolutely nothing to do with your subject. Also, old threads
are often not revisited by those who did not originally participate in them
which means that people who may have your answer may never see the question.

2- In order to be of any help we have to have more complete descriptions of
what you have & what you want to do with it. For example, what do you have
in cell B1? A calculation of some sort? Also, I for one have no idea what
"EBITDA" is supposed to mean let alone how it's supposed to be derived.

Please submit a new message including all particulars. I'm certain someone
will be able to offer at least one acceptable solution but you need to
provide a thorough & accurate description in terms that enable someone who
isn't your doppelganger to visualize the situation.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


I found the solution!!! there is a tool in Excel for that. It's call Goal Seek in the Tools tab!!! GOODNES Thanks!!!


Aside from the points that Bob has made, I was going to suggest that you play around with Goal Seek in the Tools menu item. Goal seek is very powerful and you could make EITDA zero, if your formulas are built the correct way.


I was going to suggest that, but wasn't sure I understood your situation
well enough. If Goal Seek is useful you might also want to have a go at
Solver, which is an add-in supplied with versions prior to 2008... It's like
Goal Seek on steroids :)

If it isn't in your Tools Menu, select Add-ins. Just check the Solver
checkbox in the dialog & it will be added to the Tools Menu automatically as
you OK out. If the Add-ins don't show up you can install them from your
Office 2004 source disk.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac



1. I had no idea I was posting in the wrong place. It seemed to me that I was creating a new thread or post since I clicked at "ask a new question" just under the Search field on the top left of this page. Sorry for the inconvenience.

2. I do agree my question was not that clear although the other poster seemed to have answered straight to the point. Sorry for that too. (EBITDA=Earning Before Interest Tax, Depreciation and Amortization)


Thanks for the answer. It was indeed the solution. Can't believe it was just under my nose for all this time!! We have been spending countless hours doing the calculation manually.

As for the "solver" option it is indeed a good tool too although for this precise case we do not really need any specific variable or derivative to be incorporated in the calculation. I will use it in the future though.

Thank you both for your answers.

All the best.



Hi Paul;

Glad it was resolved for you :)


1. I had no idea I was posting in the wrong place. It seemed to me that I was
creating a new thread or post since I clicked at "ask a new question" just
under the Search field on the top left of this page. Sorry for the

Then what must have happened is that the 'generality' of the wording of your
Subject coincided with that of another thread, so your message got stuck
into it. No problem - that happens occasionally, but far more often a poster
is reading a "similar" message & clicks the REPLY option :)
2. I do agree my question was not that clear although the other poster seemed
to have answered straight to the point. Sorry for that too. (EBITDA=Earning
Before Interest Tax, Depreciation and Amortization)

Again, no problem -- I guess Mungo is just more familiar than I with your
specific scenario -- I'd never seen that particular acronym before.

Thanks for the answer. It was indeed the solution. Can't believe it was just
under my nose for all this time!! We have been spending countless hours doing
the calculation manually.

As for the "solver" option it is indeed a good tool too although for this
precise case we do not really need any specific variable or derivative to be
incorporated in the calculation. I will use it in the future though.

Thank you both for your answers.

All the best.


Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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