Excel interpreting HTML and CR/LF


Steve Flook

Hope this is the right newsgroup - just yell at me if not :

My ASP app allows users to save certain dynamic data as excel spreadsheets and the method I chose to accomplish this was to simply create an table in HTML with my data and tell the browser to use the excel mime type. Works great - even little functions like SUM that you can you inside Excel directly. My problem is there is a notes column in this dataset which contains line breaks for between paragraphs. When Excel interprets <br>, <p>, etc it automatically creates a new row. I need excel to honor those tags as it would if you were in the desktop application and used [alt] + [enter] to create a new line inside a single cell

Here's what I've tried so far
- vbscript's chr(10) and chr(13
- <br>, <p
- wrapping my text inside <p> text text </p> tag
- "# & 1 0 ;" and "# & 1 3 ;" w/o space

How can I tell Excel to not break CR/LF chars into a new row, and just stick with the table structure I give it? Any leads are much appreciated.

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