Excel XP sorting issue


Richard Clarke


I am performing a sort programatically in Excel 2002 on Windows XP

The line of code to sort is as follows:

Range(Cells(15, 1), Cells(endrow,
Range("iNonQualStatus").Column)).Sort Key1:=Range("iItemType"),
Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _
OrderCustom:=ordercustomnumber, MatchCase:=False,

This throws the following error:

Sort Method of Range class failed

The sheet is protected both programatically and using Excel's protect
option from the menus.

No matter what I try regarding setting different protections at
run-time or saving the sheet with different protections, whenever I
hit the line of code above, the allowsorting propery is false.

In order to test sorting I created a new workbook and sheet to test
the sorting functionality and even this fails - with no protections,
and allowsorting reporting true when interrogated at runtime (although
this time the error is 1004 Application-defined or object-defined

When Sheets("Input").Protection.AllowSorting is interrogated just
before the sort is called, it is always false, even if I unprotect the
sheet using code the line before the sort call. This leads me to
believe that something is preventing the allowsorting to become true.

Can anyone suggest why this doesn't work in either scenario?

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