Exchange Calendar


Scott Duncan

We are using MS Access run our service business.
When ever we enter an order [with a promise Date & Time],
we look to see if this is unmatched from an Access [Export] Master Table
which we created from our Shared Calendar in MS Exchange.
We then create a new Access table of the new appointments for [Manual]
Import into the Calendar,
and append this new appointment to the master table.

I can import directly into any Calendar under my Personal Folder, but can
figure out how to import into the Calendar under Public Folders...

Also, we use VB Code to Send an Appointment from the Access Database
directly to the
local Calendar.
Public Function SendAppointment() As Boolean
Dim OLApplication As Outlook.Application
Dim OLAppointment As Outlook.AppointmentItem
Dim StartDate, EndDate, StartTime, EndTime
StartDate = Date
EndDate = Date
StartTime = "08:00"
EndTime = "08:30"
Set OLApplication = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set OLAppointment = OLApplication.CreateItem(olAppointmentItem)
OLAppointment.AllDayEvent = True
With OLAppointment
.Start = StartDate & " " & StartTime
.End = EndDate & " " & EndTime
.AllDayEvent = True .Importance = olImportanceHigh
.Location = InputBox("Please Enter Location", "Set Reminder", "")
.Subject = InputBox("Please Enter Subject", "Set Reminder", "")
.Sensitivity = olConfidential
.Body = [Screen].[ActiveForm]![Customer]
.Recipients.Add ("Jo Public")
End With
Set OLApplication = Nothing: Set OLAppointment = Nothing
Set StartDate = Nothing: Set EndDate = Nothing: Set StartTime = Nothing: Set EndTime = Nothing
End Function

Is there a way to send this Appointment DIRECTLY to the Calendar under the
under Public Folders ???

This would completley eliminate the need to import these events.


Scott Duncan
Deka Scale Incorporated
Toledo, Ohio USA

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