Exclude records by calculated field



Hi I'm using the demo ordering system and have copied the invoice report and
have got it to run for all records. But now i want to exclude records that do
not have an outstanding amount. eg Total Due > 0 As this is a calculated
field within the report i dont seem to be able to use it in the query and the
filter doesn't seem to work but i am a newbie. Please advise

Duane Hookom

You should be able to create a totals query grouped by Invoice that
calculates the total. Add this query to your report's record source so you
can use the calculated total for filtering.


Hi Duane, The report already has the fields calculated 'Total Due' but i
can't seem to set up a filter, i've tried following several examples but
getting no where.

Duane Hookom

When you look at the "field list" in the report design, do you see a field
named "Total Due"?

If "Total Due" In (Field List) Then
Use it
report back results or issues
GoTo my previous reply
End If


No it isn't in the fields list it is a calculated field that only has a value
in it once all the records for that customer have been listed and totaled eg.

Cust 1
purchase 1 amount 1
purchase 1 amount 1
Total Due - (calculated from items above)

if this Total Due is zero i don't want to print the page


Hi Duane sorry for being such a newbie and yes i did try your suggestion and
it is not in the field list and yes i probably don't understand.

The field does not exist or have any value in it untill the page is complete
and the calculations have been done. How can i test such a field?

Duane Hookom

My suggestion:
Can you create a totals query? It should be similar to your report's record
source only group by the field where your current calculated value resides.

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