Exiting a Textbox



I have several worksheet textboxes that are multiline and autosize. However,
the users' input can get quite lengthy and the full textbox must be visible,
so as one textbox expands it hides the textboxes (and other worksheet data).

My workaround was to develop a routine to run when the user "exited" a
textbox, to "go behind" the textbox and insert the same number of rows that
the textbox expanded by.

One "small" detail is thwarting my efforts...I don't know the name for the
"event" of exiting the worksheet textbox that would trigger my workaround.
All the info I could find was related to user forms.

Any ideas???

Bob Phillips

Maybe the LostFocus event?



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)


Thanks for the quick reply. I had tried that, but I incorrectly thought it
wasn't working. I finally discovered the EnableEvents was inadvertantly
turned off. Once I corrected that, LostFocus worked like a charm.

I have other issues however...if I can't work through them, I may have more

Thanks again!!


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