Export Data to Access Table


Pete T

Afternoon, I have an Excel Spreedsheet which is used throughout the
Office to track assignments given to each staff member. I am now
wanting to add a worksheet which will track staff contacts and upload
that information to a Center Database. I wrote the following code to
check for records already in the Database and update them -if
necessary, And also to add new records as needed. But I continue to
have Loop problems, and suggestions... Thanks

Sub DatabaseTransfer()
Dim dbs As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim adjlog As String
Dim notfound As Boolean

adjlog = "\\xxxx.mdb"
Set dbs = OpenDatabase(adjlog)
Set rs = dbs.OpenRecordset("TEntry", dbOpenTable)
notfound = True
For R = 4 To 300
ColE = ActiveDocument.Cells(R, 5).Value
If ColE = "" Then
Exit For
End If
Do While Not rs.EOF
If ActiveDocument.Cells(1, 5).Value = rs.Fields("Login") _
And ActiveDocument.Cells(R, 5).Value = rs.Fields("SSN") Then
rs.Fields("Login") = Range("F" & 1).Value 'Login is static
rs.Fields("From") = ActiveDocument.Cells(R, 3).Value
rs.Fields("Type") = ActiveDocument.Cells(R, 4).Value
rs.Fields("Date/Time") = ActiveDocument.Cells(R, 2).Value
rs.Fields("SSN") = ActiveDocument.Cells(R, 5).Value
rs.Fields("Claimant") = ActiveDocument.Cells(R, 6).Value
rs.Fields("OthPhone") = ActiveDocument.Cells(R, 7).Value
rs.Fields("Employer") = ActiveDocument.Cells(R, 9).Value
rs.Fields("Contact") = ActiveDocument.Cells(R, 10).Value
rs.Fields("OthEPhone") = ActiveDocument.Cells(R, 11).Value
rs.Fields("Action") = ActiveDocument.Cells(R, 12).Value
rs.Fields("Remarks") = ActiveDocument.Cells(R, 13).Value
notfound = False
Exit Do
rs.Fields("Login") = Range("F" & 1).Value
rs.Fields("From") = ActiveDocument.Cells(R, 3).Value
rs.Fields("Type") = ActiveDocument.Cells(R, 4).Value
rs.Fields("Date/Time") = ActiveDocument.Cells(R, 2).Value
rs.Fields("SSN") = ActiveDocument.Cells(R, 5).Value
rs.Fields("Claimant") = ActiveDocument.Cells(R, 6).Value
rs.Fields("OthPhone") = ActiveDocument.Cells(R, 7).Value
rs.Fields("Employer") = ActiveDocument.Cells(R, 9).Value
rs.Fields("Contact") = ActiveDocument.Cells(R, 10).Value
rs.Fields("OthEPhone") = ActiveDocument.Cells(R, 11).Value
rs.Fields("Action") = ActiveDocument.Cells(R, 12).Value
rs.Fields("Remarks") = ActiveDocument.Cells(R, 13).Value
Dim response As Variant
response = MsgBox("New Record Added to AdjLog Record")
End If
Set rs = Nothing
Set dbs = Nothing

End Sub

Andy Wiggins

This might be a help for getting data to and from Excel and Access: It
includes examples of using variables in SQL queries.

Or you can get there from the "Excel with Access Databases" section on page:

It demonstrates how to use SQL in Excel's VBA to:

* create a database,
* create a table and add data to it,
* select data from a table,
* delete a table,
* delete a database.

You can also download the demonstration file called "excelsql.zip".

The code is open and commented.


Andy Wiggins
Home of "Save and BackUp",
"The Excel Auditor" and "Byg Tools for VBA"

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