Export Text to FTP Site


VBA Dabbler

Does anyone know if Access VB code can be used to export a CSV file to an
anonomously secured FTP Site?

I've tried using the TransferText method, but get "Run-time error '3011':"
The Microsoft Jet database engine could not find the object



Douglas J. Steele

Access doesn't recognize the FTP protocol (nor the HTTP protocol, for that
matter). You cannot use a URL in the TransferText method.

Write the file to the hard drive, then transfer it to the server. There's a
simplistic approach shown in http://www.mvps.org/access/modules/mdl0015.htm
at "The Access Web", or a more sophisticated add-in at
http://www.mvps.org/access/modules/mdl0037.htm (you'll need to convert the
add-in to whatever version of Access you're using, or you can just copy the
code from within it)

VBA Dabbler

Thanks so much for your reply - I suspected as much.

Many thanks too for the pointers to the alternate methods - I'll give them a


VBA Dabbler

I've followed your advice below in downloading and implementing the add-in
at the second link. It works like a charm on anonymous authentications
uploading. However, I need to download files also by anonymous
authentication, but can't seem to get the add-in to work -- there is no
example for downloading other than from an unsecured ftp site.

Do you have any suggestions?


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