Exporting Yahoo Address Bk to CSV for import to Excel03 Char Paddi



When I perform an export fo my Yahoo Address Book to Outlook (2003) CSV
format and save to disk, upon review of the data, many of the special
characters are being padded which is then corrupting the entries which is
also being extended to my Windows Mobil Smartphone (Samsung Blackjack II).

For example any contact names that have an "&" are padded with & same with
extended URL's that have the & as well.

Also " ' " apostrophys when used in names such as with Sony's for example
are being padded with characters also - it is creating a real mess. I had
been using Intellisync for Yahoo, but I was getting lots of duplicate entries
between Outlook and Yahoo, while having the setting for Yahoo to win.

If I can get the CSV problem resolved with the padding of characters I would
be thankful.

Does anyone have a resolution to this problem?

I keep my master address book on Yahoo for greater access, then download it
into Outlook 2003, then onto my cell. I've been using now use Microsoft

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