Extremely complex problem: showing a value as an 'axis' on a circle



The value represents the orientation in degrees from horizontal

So, imagine a circle where

3 o'clock is 0 degrees

12 o'clock is 90 degrees

9 o'clock is 180 degrees

and a value of 180 is represented by:

a picture of a circle with a horizontal line (going straigh across
the diameter)

and a value of 90 is represented by:

a picture of a circle with a vertial line

Is there any way that Excel can translate a value into this pictorally?


taken from


The "Sphere" column indicates how nearsighted or farsighted you are.
"Cylinder" refers to the measurable degree of astigmatism of your
central cornea. The cylindrical number describes the dioptric
difference between your cornea's steepest and lowest curves.

If you have astigmatism, your cornea is shaped like the back of a
spoon, curved more on one side than the other. The orientation of the
spoon shape can differ from person to person, for instance like a spoon
standing on end or on it's side. ******The "Axis" column describes
the orientation in degrees from horizontal****. Most left and right
eyes with astigmatism are symmetrical.

Tom Ogilvy

You can do it with code.

You could manually draw your circle with the line, group them, then hide
this shape (or do that in code as well). the code could then copy it and
rotate it to the correct orientation and make the copy visible.


Hi Chris,

It looks like you are an optician or creating something for one.

To my opinion this might be a option:

Create a circle and place a horizontal line in the circle just touching
the edges.
Group those 2 into one shape and give it a name.
e.g.: PicCylR
Make a copy of the shape and give it a new name
e.g. PicCylL

Name 2 cells on your worksheet similar
CellCylR en CellCylL.

If you want to restrict the user to some values put Validation to these
2 cells

Create a Worksheet event on WorkSheet Change

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Select Case Target.Address
Case Range("CellCylR").Address
Shapes("PicCylR").Rotation = Target.Value
Case Range("CellCylL").Address
Shapes("PicCylL").Rotation = Target.Value
End Select
End Sub

Hoop this helps



Thanks for the tip.

I solved the problem using the maths formulae suggested by a previous
poster.. drawing an xy scatter graph.

I'm not clever enough to understand what you are talking about. but
thanks anyway!

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