Failure with Excel.Application Call



I have a windows service application that watches a directory for a new file.
When a file is dropped into the directory, the service attempts to create a
new Excel.Application and load the file into a Workbook. When the code:

Dim App as new Excel.Application is called it fails with:

Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID
{00024500-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} failed due to the following error:

The exact same code works through my Windows Form test application from the
same project.

I have strong named the assembly, granted full trust to the assembly,
ensured the log on name of the assembly has administrative rights on the box,
and changed the service to run under the Local Security context.

I have also attempted to use late binding - none of these actions have

I would appreciate any ideas.


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