Fax programing



I am sure this has been done but help any way I have this

Set OutProg = CreateObject("outlook.application") 'open out look
Set OutM = OutProg.CreateItem(olMailItem) ' create a mail
With OutM 'send the fax
.subject = "I am trying"
.To = "@blah Blah"
.body = "This is the latest information on these most due
.Importance = Outlook.OlImportance.olImportanceNormal
End With
This works fine
Can I write the same thing for faxing instead instead of the outlook email

I have vista Ultimate with a LAN-Fax which works.

Thanks in advance and if there is a better way to fix it so it works even
better will be appreciated

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

There are no built-in interfaces to use faxing with Outlook. You would need
to use TAPI or whatever interfaces that fax software supports to pass the
fax information to the software.


At my last job, we had RightFax integrated with Outlook. If you sent
an email to a fax number (stored as a Business Fax number in an
Outlook contact), it send the email as a fax. Any attachments you send
in the email were printed out at the other end.



The problem JP is that 2007 outlook lost that capability and that is where I
have a problem. I was hoping that the scan and fax interface was replacing
that capability but I donot know how to intaract with thru VBA


Sorry, wish I could be more help here.


The problem JP is that 2007 outlook lost that capability and that is where I
have a problem. I was hoping that the scan and fax interface was replacing
that capability but I donot know how to intaract with thru VBA

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