Fields disappear when cycling through report



I have a report of 40 or so performance measures many measures require a
numerator and a denominator for data each quarter, others just a "Yes" or
"No" reported each quarter.

The nature of the measures results in most of the ones requiring a num/den
to be on the first 30 pages with the yes/no measures scattered at the end. I
can see all the num/den related fields when cycling forward through the
report pages, BUT once I cycle backward after viewing a yes/no measure, the
num/den fields are missing from SOME of the measures they had just been
visible on - even if they actually contain data. This is all occuring within
the same instance/calling/running of the report.

I've included the SQLs below, but in summary, the report is sourced from the
t_Measures table (for the measure info) and two additional queries (one each
for the the results numerator and denominator data). These two queries are
themselves based on crosstab queries.

I have script in the "On Print" portion of the report's details section to
make the numerator and denominator fields not visible if the measure is a
yes/no measure.

Toggling the "Vertical" setting did not fix the issue.

Any ideas as to why this and how I can fix it?

In reverse lineage:
Report source:
SELECT t_Measures.ID AS t_Measures_ID, t_Measures.Number, t_Measures.Name,
t_Measures.Description, t_Measures.MeasureActive, t_Measures.MeasureBegin,
t_Measures.MeasureEnd, t_Measures.YesNo, t_Measures.PassFail,
t_Measures.DollarUnits, t_Measures.Frequency, t_Measures.MeasuredActivity,
t_Measures.SourceDocs, t_Measures.DataSource, t_Measures.Value,
t_Measures.POC, t_Measures.Group, t_Measures.Numerator,
t_Measures.Denominator, t_Measures.OutTarget, t_Measures.ExcTarget,
t_Measures.GoodTarget, t_Measures.MargTarget, q_FYNN_AllNumByQtr.ID AS
q_FYNN_AllNumByQtr_ID, q_FYNN_AllNumByQtr.Expr1 AS q_FYNN_AllNumByQtr_Expr1,
q_FYNN_AllNumByQtr.[Total Of ResultNum], q_FYNN_AllNumByQtr.[FY2008 Qtr 1] AS
[q_FYNN_AllNumByQtr_FY2008 Qtr 1], q_FYNN_AllNumByQtr.[FY2008 Qtr 2] AS
[q_FYNN_AllNumByQtr_FY2008 Qtr 2], q_FYNN_AllNumByQtr.[FY2008 Qtr 3] AS
[q_FYNN_AllNumByQtr_FY2008 Qtr 3], q_FYNN_AllNumByQtr.[FY2008 Qtr 4] AS
[q_FYNN_AllNumByQtr_FY2008 Qtr 4], q_FYNN_AllDenByQtr.ID AS
q_FYNN_AllDenByQtr_ID, q_FYNN_AllDenByQtr.Expr1 AS q_FYNN_AllDenByQtr_Expr1,
q_FYNN_AllDenByQtr.[Total Of ResultDen], q_FYNN_AllDenByQtr.[FY2008 Qtr 1] AS
[q_FYNN_AllDenByQtr_FY2008 Qtr 1], q_FYNN_AllDenByQtr.[FY2008 Qtr 2] AS
[q_FYNN_AllDenByQtr_FY2008 Qtr 2], q_FYNN_AllDenByQtr.[FY2008 Qtr 3] AS
[q_FYNN_AllDenByQtr_FY2008 Qtr 3], q_FYNN_AllDenByQtr.[FY2008 Qtr 4] AS
[q_FYNN_AllDenByQtr_FY2008 Qtr 4] FROM q_FYNN_AllDenByQtr INNER JOIN
(q_FYNN_AllNumByQtr INNER JOIN t_Measures ON
q_FYNN_AllNumByQtr.ID=t_Measures.ID) ON q_FYNN_AllDenByQtr.ID=t_Measures.ID;

q_FYNN_AllDenByQtr SQL (Note the the numerator SQL is identical but replace
"Den" w/"Num".):
SELECT t_Measures.ID, q_FYNN_DenByQtr.Expr1, q_FYNN_DenByQtr.[Total Of
ResultDen], q_FYNN_DenByQtr.[FY2008 Qtr 1], q_FYNN_DenByQtr.[FY2008 Qtr 2],
q_FYNN_DenByQtr.[FY2008 Qtr 3], q_FYNN_DenByQtr.[FY2008 Qtr 4]
FROM t_Measures LEFT JOIN q_FYNN_DenByQtr ON

q_FYNN_DenByQtr SQL(Note the the numerator SQL is identical but replace
"Den" w/"Num".):
TRANSFORM Sum(q_FYNN_ResultsDetail.ResultDen) AS SumOfResultDen
SELECT q_FYNN_ResultsDetail.MeasureID AS Expr1,
Sum(q_FYNN_ResultsDetail.ResultDen) AS [Total Of ResultDen]
FROM q_FYNN_ResultsDetail
GROUP BY q_FYNN_ResultsDetail.MeasureID
ORDER BY "FY" & Format(DateAdd("q",1,[EndDate]),"yyyy") & " Qtr " &
PIVOT "FY" & Format(DateAdd("q",1,[EndDate]),"yyyy") & " Qtr " &

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