FileSearch misbehaving


Robin Clay

Greetings !

I'm sure this USED to work, but now it doesn't !

Any ideas - Please ?
' Get the folder name from Cell A4
FolderName = Range("A4").Value
'Get all the filenames
Set fs = Application.FileSearch
With fs
.LookIn = FolderName 'Path$
.FileName = "*.*"
If .Execute(SortBy:=msoSortByFileName, SortOrder:=msoSortOrderAscending)
= 0 Then
MsgBox "There were no files found."
Select Case .FoundFiles.Count
Case Is = 0
MsgBox "No files were found. Sorry!"
Case Is = 1
MsgBox Chr(34) & .FoundFiles(1) & Chr(34) & " was the only
file found."
' Process .FoundFiles(1), I
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A12").Value = .FoundFiles(1)
Case Else
For N = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
BoxText$ = BoxText$ & " " & N & ". " & .FoundFiles(N) &
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A" & 11 + N).Value =
'Worksheets(Sheet1).Range(Chr(65 + N) & 13 + N & ":" &
Chr(65 + N) & 13 + N + 80).Font.Color = QBColor(N)
Next N
' MsgBox ("These " & .FoundFiles.Count & " files
were found:-" & vbCrLf & BoxText$)
' Process .FoundFiles(N), I
End Select
End If
End With
Range("F4") = N & "files"

It runs OK, but always returns "No files were found. Sorry!"



Don Guillett

What is filenameonly?

Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A" & 11 + N).Value = .FoundFiles(N)
instead of
'Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A" & 11 + N).Value =
You may find this easier
Sub FindFilesA()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim FN As String
Dim ThisRow As Long
Dim FileLocation As String
FileLocation = "c:\a\*.*"
FN = Dir(FileLocation)
Do Until FN = ""
ThisRow = ThisRow + 1
Cells(ThisRow, 1) = FN
FN = Dir
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Robin Clay

Oooppss ! Sorry.

Public Function FileNameOnly(PathAndFile$) As String
'Given e.g. "C:\My Documents\My Folder\MyFile.doc" this returns just
Dim path$, LastSlash As Integer, N As Integer

LastSlash = 0
N = 1
N = 1
N = N + 1
If Left$(Right$(PathAndFile$, N), 1) = "\" Then LastSlash = N
Loop Until LastSlash > 1
FileNameOnly = Mid$(PathAndFile$, Len(PathAndFile$) - N + 2)
End Function

Thank you for your suggestion - I'll give it a whirl...



Robin Clay

Hello again, Don !

Alas! On my machine your routine falls over at the "Cells....." line



Don Guillett

The macro works just fine on my xl 2003. If desired, send your workbook to
my addy below.
Did you use YOUR folder location?FileLocation = "c:\yourfoldernamehere\*.*"

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