Fill Colors


Joe Royle

I'm fairly new to Programming in Visio, I have used it quite extensively for

I am trying to change the color of a shape when doubleclicking on it. I
have tried looking through the helpfiles and on the web, but haven't been
able to find a solution for this.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


in the shape sheet for the desired shape

is the eventdblclick place the following:


Ancipating your next question: How can I use predetermined colors?

Create a user row called User.ColorList
Place in this row the string: "RGB(120, 0, 120);1;3;4;RGB(120, 120, 120)"
notice the spacing - it is critical - RGB is self explanitory, but 1;3;4
are preset visio colors.

In the eventdblclick place the following code:

Others might have a better solution or beable to improve on this one


I neglected to state in the code,

In the eventdblclick place the following code:


The value 4 is the number of colors in your list minus 1. Everything is zero
based, so the first element is 0 and so on. It takes the list and goes
backwards, you could easily set it up to go the other way.

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