fill list manually and link to colour buttons in overview



I would like to insert names manually into a list (without the list retriving
the info from the file). These names then should be linked to colour
different buttons.
To put this into context, I am working on a competitor sheet and I would
like to have selection-buttons, e.g. EU, NAFTA, ASIA. If I click on the
buttons I would then like display these manually inserted competitor names,
lets say 'AA', 'AB' and 'AC' for 'ASIA'. Simultaneously 'AA', 'AB' and 'AC'
on an overview in the same worksheet should turn into coloured fields, e.g.
'red' .

First sight: Extensive competitor List. Select country button > show names >
and simultaneously display names on same or seperate worksheet in different

Lets say:
AA (display in red)
AB (display in red)
AX (display in red)

Is this possible? Thanks guys!!!

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