Filter Multiselect Listbox with another multiselect listbox?



Hi people,
Can I use a multiselect (simple) to filter another multiselect (simple)? I
ask this because I don't see a filter property on the data tab of the listbox

If the above answer is yest then, here is how i am trying to do this.
I got two multiselect listboxes(lstCrops & lstPlantings) on an unbound form,
one based queries.

When I select a CropName from lstCrops which has CropID as bound column,
lstPlanting should be filtered to what selection(s) of CropName I make. There
is a CropID field in the query that is behind lstPlantings.

Here is the code I have on a command button (btnListFilter) to requery the
listbox and apply the filter. When I click btnListFilter, I get this error
message: Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment (Error 450)

Private Sub btnListFilter_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_btnListFilter_Click
Dim stDocName As ListBox
'Dim frm As Form
Dim strFilter As String

Set stDocName = Me.lstPlantings

'Cycle thru listbox using MultiSelectSQL function
'and assign filter variable with values selected from listbox
strFilter = "CropID" & MultiSelectSQL(lstCrops)

'Requery the listbox and apply filter
DoCmd.Requery stDocName, , , strFilter

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_btnListFilter_Click
End Sub

Can anyone enlighten me with where I am going astray or rather what I should

Thanks so much in advance.

AccessVandal via

Change your strFilter to,

"SELECT col1,col2,col3 FROM Table WHERE CropID " & MultiSelectSQL(lstCrops)

Me.lstCrops.RowSource = strFilter

Delete "DoCmd.Requery stDocName, , , strFilter"
No option arguments for this "DoCmd".

I can't tell much of this "MultiSelectSQL(lstCrops)" function.

Why don't you use this function to fill the listbox rowsource?

AccessVandal via

Sorry, please change the listbox name.
Change your strFilter to,

"SELECT col1,col2,col3 FROM Table WHERE CropID " & MultiSelectSQL(lstCrops)
Me.lstPlanting.RowSource = strFilter

lstPlantings or lstPlanting?

Douglas J. Steele

It would help to know what the MultiSelectSQL function returns. In order for
your existing code to work, it needs to return a string like "IN (1, 2, 3)"
(or "IN ('1', '2', '3')" if CropID is a text field). Does it?

AccessVandal is correct, though, that you need to reset the RowSource
property of the other listbox.


Hi Doug,
Here is the function that I have it as a standard module that I use for
other multiselect listboxes as well. I guess it returns a string like "IN
(1, 2, 3)" as my PKs are all in AutoNumber.

Public Function MultiSelectSQL(ctl As Control, _
Optional Delimiter As String) As String
Dim sResult As String, vItem As Variant
With ctl
Select Case .ItemsSelected.Count
Case 0: sResult = " Is Null "
Case 1:
sResult = " = " & Delimiter & .ItemData(.ItemsSelected(0)) & Delimiter
Case Else
sResult = " in ("
For Each vItem In .ItemsSelected
sResult = sResult & Delimiter & .ItemData(vItem) & Delimiter & ","
Next vItem
Mid(sResult, Len(sResult), 1) = ")"
End Select
End With
MultiSelectSQL = sResult
End Function

Nelson, New Zealand

Douglas J. Steele said:
It would help to know what the MultiSelectSQL function returns. In order for
your existing code to work, it needs to return a string like "IN (1, 2, 3)"
(or "IN ('1', '2', '3')" if CropID is a text field). Does it?

AccessVandal is correct, though, that you need to reset the RowSource
property of the other listbox.


Hi AccessVandal,
Thanks so much for the help. That was super stuff! :)
Here is what my code looks like and i does filter other listbox
lstPlantings. Yes, it was lstPlantings (sorry bout the miss-spelling).

Private Sub btnListFilter_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_btnListFilter_Click
Dim stDocName As String
Dim strFilter As String

'stDocName = Me.lstPlantings

'Cycle thru listbox using MultiSelectSQL function
'and assign filter variable with values selected from listbox

strFilter = "SELECT
FROM qryPlantingCombined WHERE (((qryPlantingCombined.Cut) = No)) AND
qryPlantingCombined.CropID" & MultiSelectSQL(lstCrops)

'Requery the listbox and apply filter
Me.lstPlantings.RowSource = strFilter

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_btnListFilter_Click
End Sub

Thanks once again.

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