Find cell (with duplicates)




I have a worksheet(1) with a lot of data in column B. In this data
duplicates exist. I have another worksheet(2) (a copy of worksheet(1))
on which the user can add rows and data in column B. I have some code
(see below) to copy values from column P of worksheet(2) to column F of
The only problem is there are duplicates in column B of worksheet(1).
So by using the code below it allways gets the first duplicate and
that's not how it should go.
Can someone help me change the code so it will find the right
duplicate? Thanks in advance!

For Each cell In Sheets("Begroting WVB Won").Range("B12:B242")
myvalue = cell.Offset(0, 14).Value
Set myCell = Worksheets("Totaaloverzicht Won").Range("B:B").Find _
myCell(1, 5).Value = myvalue
Next cell

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