Find/REplace from table questions...



I found most of the answers I needed in this post:

Thanks Barry-Jon for this code:

Sub MultiFindReplace()

Dim rngReplaceWith As Excel.Range
Dim rngSearchArea As Excel.Range
Dim lngRepaceCount As Long

Set rngReplaceWith = GetUserRange("Please select find/replace
values range (two columns)")

If Not rngReplaceWith Is Nothing Then

'basic range size validation - a lot more could be done
If rngReplaceWith.Columns.Count = 2 Then

'now get the area in which to do the find/replace
Set rngSearchArea = GetUserRange("Please select the range
in which to find/replace")

If Not rngSearchArea Is Nothing Then

'do the search and replace
For lngRepaceCount = 1 To rngReplaceWith.Rows.Count

What:=rngReplaceWith.Cells(lngRepaceCount, 1).Value, _

Replacement:=rngReplaceWith.Cells(lngRepaceCount, 2).Value, _
MatchCase:=False, _

Next lngRepaceCount

End If


MsgBox "Invalid find/replace range selected", vbExclamation
+ vbOKOnly

End If

End If

End Sub

Private Function GetUserRange(Prompt As String, Optional Title As
String = "Input") As Excel.Range

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

Dim retVal As Excel.Range

Set retVal = Application.InputBox(Prompt, Title, , , , , , 8)

Set GetUserRange = retVal
Exit Function

Set retVal = Nothing
Resume ExitProc

End Function

The questions I have:
Question 1:
How can I make this macro do the "Match Entire Cell Contents" that is
available in the Replace menu option?
I tried just adding the condition MatchEntireCellContents:=True but
that wasn't an acceptable condition.

Question 2:
Is there a way to reverse the 2 columns in the Find/Replace range? By
that I mean, can I make it so that Column 2 in the range is the find
value and column 1 is the replace value?

Dave Peterson

Sometimes, just recording a macro in a test workbook will give you the answer:

I recorded this little bit:

Cells.Replace What:="a", Replacement:="b", LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder _
:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False

Notice the LookAt:=xlWhole parm. You'll want to add it to your .replace line of

And you can swap columns by changing this line--in fact, I've added the xlwhole
stuff, too:

rngSearchArea.Replace What:=rngReplaceWith.Cells(lngRepaceCount, 2).Value, _
Replacement:=rngReplaceWith.Cells(lngRepaceCount, 1).Value, _
MatchCase:=False, lookat:=xlWhole, ReplaceFormat:=False

Notice the ", 2" and ", 1" have been swapped. They tell excel which column to

Another option would have been just to swap the "what" and "replacement"

rngSearchArea.Replace _
replacement:=rngReplaceWith.Cells(lngRepaceCount, 1).Value, _
what:=rngReplaceWith.Cells(lngRepaceCount, 2).Value, _
MatchCase:=False, lookat:=xlWhole, ReplaceFormat:=False

Now the replacement value comes from column 1 and the "what to replace" value
comes from column 2.


Excellent! Thank you for your input. I'm going to give all of that a

I haven't progressed much beyond the cutting and pasting of other
people's macros, but I've got a book and I'm working on it..... Thanks


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