Find & Replace Help



My VBA Code is trying to Find the string 'STABLE' and Replace it with
the string 'STA', searching a VBA-selected variable range.

Code snippet follows:

Range("E5:X" & (iTotalRecs * 2 + 4)).Select

Selection.Replace What:="STABLE", Replacement:="STA", LookAt:=xlWhole,
SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, MatchCase:=True

When I step thru the Code, (current value of iTotalRecs is 1), I can
see the specified range of E5:X6 is selected. However, only the
'STABLE' values in Row 5 are replaced. Please help.


P.S.: I had failed experiments w/ xlPart and w/ xlByRows.

Don Guillett

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a clear explanation of what you want and before/after examples.

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