Finding Date in an overseas format


Ron Rosenfeld

Nope, they are dates. What looks like 12/31/2012, when formatted as "general", shows 41274.

Every single solution provided works for me, here in the US, and for other beta testers in the US. I also sent the spreadsheet to another user in Australia, and he comes up with the same "Date not found" error message. So I've ruled out a problem with the India user's individual computer.

Haven't tried Witek's offering yet - that's next. Will report back.

Could it possibly be something to do with their non-standard Windows OS? I know the user in India uses "Windows Ultimate".

Thanks for all the help.

Range.Find doesn't seem to work well with dates. I would avoid it.

You are going to have to loop through the cells and compare each with the date you are looking for.
If you have a lot of cells to search, you will find a significant speed advantage to reading the cells into a variant array, then looping through the array (all in VBA).

Something like Witek's idea should work.


Yes, Hurrah!!!!! Witek's solution worked for my Australian beta
tester, so I'm assuming it will also work for my Indian beta tester.
I did change Witek's code slightly in that I took out

Set rDate = wsData.Range("a3:a" & LastRow)

Dim iDate As Long
iDate = Fix(Now())
Dim c As Range

For Each c In rDate
If c.Value2 = iDate Then
Set rFound = c
Exit For
End If
Next c

Thank you very much for all of your assistance and patience with me!

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