Font Smoothing & Image Scaling



Hi all,

WinXP Pro
Windows font smoothing - standard

I was wondering if someone could provide me with an answer/solution to the
following 2 queries.

1. Font smoothing
I am using Verdana in a presentation with sizes from 16 to 24 and the edges
are definitely jagged as if font smoothing has not been applied. I have font
smoothing (standard) switched on in Windows.
I have applied custom animation (fade and motion path) to the text boxes and
was wondering if this could be the cause of the problem and if there was a
As I can't find anything about font smoothing in ppt I assume it picks it up
from the Windows setting or am I missing something?

2. Image Scaling
A peculiar one this. I have 5 small png pictures (125x66 pixels) that I
created using Fireworks. I created the first one of a night and put it onto
a ppt slide. The next morning I created the other 4 with the same size and
put them onto the same slide.
The 4 I created in the morning showed up on the slide as bigger than the one
from the night before. Both Fireworks and Windows are showing all the
pictures as 125x66 pixels. The first picture is showing up in ppt as
3.31x1.75cm with 100% scale and an original size of 3.31x1.75. The other 4
pictures are showing up with an original size of 4.41x2.33cm - I have had to
reduce the scale to 75% to get them the same size as the first one.
Any explanation would be welcome.



Adam Crowley

PPTMagician said:

Kathy J. has been keeping up with the jagged text item:

....and has very strong opinions, many of which should be taken with a pinch
of salt.
If you have noticed font smoothing problems then they exist and it doesn't
matter whether Kathy believes you or dismisses the problem. The problem,
when it occurs (and it seems to be a hardware specific issue), is usually
worse with animation effects and with some combinations of colours but to
use a different effect or colour is to ignore a problem that Microsoft
should fix.

If all the images are the same pixel size then it sounds like they have
different dpi settings. Although dpi is pretty irrelevant to screen work
PowerPoint uses the dpi information contained in images to size the image on
import to the page. If you change the dpi setting - without changing the
pixel size of the images - they should all import at the same size.



Thanks for the responses.
It would appear that despite searching the 7240+ messages in this group and
not finding any reference to font smoothing that I have walked into a
hornets nest on this one.
My question, however, was simply to resolve a problem with a presentation
I'm putting together with the colour and style of my choosing. It would
appear that the answer to my question under these circumstances is No,
there's nothing I can do unless I change the presentation style or use
graphics rather than text. Question answered.
However, for the record, I noticed that when I take off custom animation the
font smoothing is significantly better even with light text on a dark
I will, on the off-chance that Kathy is right, be getting my machine
exorcised to remove any evil spirits. If it doesn't work I'll let Kathy know
so she can cross it off her list of potential causes. This does not, of
course, rule out other subversive influences.

I will check the dpi of the pictures as they are in fact digital photos
which could well have been taken using different resolutions.

Thanks again



If I find one how do I know you're not part of it? How do I know I'm not
part of it? How do you know I'm not part of it? Is there anyone not part of
I need to talk with the cat - no wait, what part did she play before
becoming a cute furry eating machine? - she's from the planet Zog you know,
how did you know?
Life's getting difficult, need to simplify. Cats don't talk. PPT smooths
animated fonts. Cats don't talk. PPT smooths animated fonts. Cats don't
talk, except mine of course but you knew that.

It's good that realism is a matter of perspective.

Zig (or am I?)


Thanks Steve,

I tried this after your suggestion but it hasn't rectified the effect - the
pics are still inserting at different sizes.
At the end of the day I can always reduce the pictures by 75%. It's not
perfect but it works and I can retain the old barnet :)




Command: Analyse

Processing.................. done

Analysis: Entity: Bowl
Attributes: (multiple) Snap, (multiple) Crackle, (multiple)
Language: Trinary (highly repetitive)
Environment medium: White liquid, can survive short periods
outside natural environment
Reproductive mechanism: Seed

Purpose: Contains environment medium for attributes that could provide
possible incursion into human communication system leading to conquest of

Command: Clarify

.... Humans achieve a common objective, in this case Earth Defence, by the
transference of information in a one to many relationship. As an all-out
assault would likely incur high casualty rates in Snaps, Crackles and Pops
the enemy would be wise to initially employ subversive techniques with the
potential to de-unify the collective will thereby weakening any possible
resistance. As a highly common method of 1:many information transference is
the use of PowerPoint, this would be an ideal medium in which to begin an

Command: Specify incursion identification

.... Possible symptoms could include reduced font smoothing and irregular
sized images causing audiences (the many) to be thinking about ugly displays
and corrective measures rather than the content of the information.

Command: Suggest defence tactic

.... 1. Simplify 2. Apply Felis Catus 3. Notify Kathy of identification
of subversive influence and corrective actions

Command: Simplify

Processing............. applying third normal form
Processing............. crunch,crunch,crunch............. done

Command: Clarify Felis Catus

.... Felis Catus (domestic cat). Class: Mammalia. Order: Carnivora. Family:
Felidae. Genus: Felis. Species: Catus

Command: Relevance of Felis Catus to current enquiry

.... It is known that Felis Catus has a penchant for the white liquid that is
the natural environment of Snaps, Crackles and Pops.
Deprivation of the hostiles' environment will severely impact upon their
ability to provide a sustainable threat.

Command: "Here kitty, kitty, kitty....................... there you go"

Command: Analyse

Processing.................. done

Analysis: Entity: Bowl
Attributes: None
Language: Silent
Environment medium: None

Command: Current threat analysis

.... Current threat neutralized

Command: Email
# Dear Kathy,
# Have identified subversive infiltration of Snaps, Crackles and Pops into
#Corrective actions include
# applying third normal form to remove cloned army
# removing remaining 3 task force leaders by destructive mastication
# getting the cat to drink their environment
#Indications show that the incursion is widespread
#Symptoms in ppt still exist leading to assumption of other subversive
elements at work
#Keep alert

Command: Send email

.... sending mail...............(snap)
.... resending mail............(crackle)
.... resending mail............(pop)
.... mail send aborted




Hi Adam,

I have checked the properties of the images and they are all showing 72
pixels/inch with a size of 125x66 pixels.

With a consistent size and resolution the images should all be the same size
when inserted into ppt.

It's a puzzler but not one I can't get around.


Kathy J

Being the Kathy in question, let me say that I love the analysis. I only
wish it were that easy to fix the problem :)

Now on to your problem, the reason you didn't find anything on it when you
searched is because very few people realize that font smoothing is the same
thing as "fuzzy text" or "scruffy text" or any of a number of not nearly as
printable things.

Yes, removing the animations does make it better. So does changing the text
and background color to reduce the contrast helps. If you want to try
something tricky....
Create your slide with the text where you want it to start and a second copy
of the text where you want it to end. Cover the end copy with a box with
background fill. Apply your animations to the start copy and add an exit
animation to it when the move is done. Set an exit animation to the box to
happen with the exit of the start copy of the text. Run the slide. You
should see the text fade in, move, and stop. (Because of how the exits are
set up, they won't show as distinct animations. Instead they will just seem
to be the ending of the animation sequence.) When the animation sequence is
done, your text should be clear enough and the people watching won't know
that scruffy text ever attacked your machine.

Okay, now my turn to ask you a couple of questions:
1) Can you get me some information on your system? What I need is on the
site with the article that you've already been referred to. I keep hoping to
see something that will trigger an idea we can send to Microsoft.
2) Are you using a regular display or a flat panel?
3) If you show the presentation on a different monitor, does the problem
4) What are you using for background color and text color?

Ok, enough blathering for this morning. To send me stuff off line, unknot
the address. If you want to post it here, that's fine. However, if you do, I
may not see it for a couple of days.
Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
Author of Kathy Jacobs on PowerPoint - Available now from Holy Macro! Books
Get PowerPoint answers at
I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived


Hi Kath,

Just a courtesy post.

I wasn't sure how you would take to me referring to your article in this way
even though no offence was intended. It's nice to know it was taken in the
spirit intended. IT can be interesting but dry at times; one has to keep a
sense of proportion don't you think ;-)
Now on to your problem, the reason you didn't find anything on it when you
searched is because very few people realize that font smoothing is the
same thing as "fuzzy text" or "scruffy text" or any of a number of not
nearly as printable things.

Innocent me.
If you want to try something tricky....

I'll give this a go when I have a bit more time. Thanks for the tip.
Okay, now my turn to ask you a couple of questions:

I'll see what you need, get the information together and mail you if that's
ok. I haven't tried it on another machine yet.
I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we

We always make a difference, for good or ill depending on the cut of your
gib. More often than not we don't know it.




Cat says "hi".


Hi Steve,


I must be in a funny mood or something 'cos I'm giggling away here and I
don't even know what you're on about.

Tuftoids - what a name.

Assuming you're in the US, is this some kind of local idiom?

I've been a member of a number of things, even sometimes just a member.
But "Tuftoids" - ha ha - what a name, I think I'd remember that and keep
quiet about it.

Please explain.

Yours in fits



Hi Steve,
... hmmm. Member of the Tuftoids, eh? ;-)

Before I knew what you were on about I was speculating and came up with the

Tuftoids definitions:
Young member of the Tufty club - relevance unclear
Squirrels and where they store their nuts - relevance to Tufty club
Cat fur clumps - relevance to hair removal

Now I see the light.

The answer to your question is no. I googled and couldn't believe the utter
cr*p (imho) that this guy is spouting. Do people actually buy into this
rubbish? Rant started... ...and curtailed.



Hi Steve,
The sad thing is that he has a lot of valid accusations, but he blames the
tools instead of the guilty carpenters.

I actually spent about 10 mins typing in my rant on exactly those lines then
discarded it as off-topic.
You've summed it up in one sentence. Very eloquent.
Can you send me a set of these things to play with?





Hi Steve,

Many thanks for your efforts, the bottom has well and truly been reached.
Looks like I need to go back to the drawing board with Fireworks, s'funny I
don't remember resampling.



Kathy J

You may not have done the resampling. I know that under certain
circumstances PaintShop Pro will adjust the DPI settings. I have never been
able to figure out why or when, but I do know it happens. I am not surprised
to hear that Fireworks might do it too.

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
Author of Kathy Jacobs on PowerPoint - Available now from Holy Macro! Books
Get PowerPoint answers at
I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived

Echo S

I just wanted to say that I've really enjoyed reading this thread.

Thanks for the entertainment (and good questions and comments), Zig. Hope to
see you back.


Hi Kathy,
You may not have done the resampling.

Phew, thank the Lord for that. I can stop trawling through the family
history for cases of insanity - or was it inanity?

I'm glad about this 'cos the cat's, (there is one, honest), been out in the
garden and is leaving muddy pawprints all over the birth, death and marriage
certificates (she's reading out the names while I do the background check).
I should be ok to wash them because by law I think they have to be written
in indelible ink although looking at some of the writing I think they've
used illegible ink. I could never be a registrar, I get inky fingers typing
on the keyboard.

The cat must have a reputation for getting dirty, I often hear the
neighbours say "It's that muddy cat again" and "Cooking fat's back". Oops, I
think I've offended her, she's gone off to run herself a bath.........

......... now you know I'm lying.

Must make a (mental) note to get that info off to you this weekend. To be
honest, after you've run through the slide show for the hundredth change,
you don't really notice the lack of font smoothing. It just sort of hits you
the first time you see it. I could 'understand' it during the actual
animation but not before and after when the text is stationary. I think this
is where your workaround comes in. It's not ideal but I can live with it.
Needs fixing though, really.

Oh, cat's out of the bath, I didn't realise she's so skinny.

Need to go to make sure she's rinsed the bath out properly and put the
loofer back in the holder.

Darn soap's covered in fur.



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