Fonts and different screens




I am working on a small database on a laptop with 1680 x 1050 screen

When laying out forms I try to be mindful of various screens the forms may
be viewed on, and generally try to keep my max form size to one that allows
the full form to be viewed regardless of screen resolution (Within reason).

My primary font is Tahoma 8pt. I'm having troubles with labels, text boxes
etc... being truncated (If that is the correct word) when viewed on other
screens. I always assumed if I set my laptop resolution to, say, 1024 x 768
then I should get a realistic view for other screens.

This isn't the case, and I'm just not sure on the best methodology to manage
this. Are there some links, or general advice, as how to best approach the
problem? It's really dissapointing to spend all those hours developing forms,
only to find it looks crap when installed on a different pc.

Thanks in advance.


Rick Brandt

swas said:

I am working on a small database on a laptop with 1680 x 1050 screen

When laying out forms I try to be mindful of various screens the
forms may be viewed on, and generally try to keep my max form size to
one that allows the full form to be viewed regardless of screen
resolution (Within reason).

My primary font is Tahoma 8pt. I'm having troubles with labels, text
boxes etc... being truncated (If that is the correct word) when
viewed on other screens. I always assumed if I set my laptop
resolution to, say, 1024 x 768 then I should get a realistic view for
other screens.

This isn't the case, and I'm just not sure on the best methodology to
manage this. Are there some links, or general advice, as how to best
approach the problem? It's really dissapointing to spend all those
hours developing forms, only to find it looks crap when installed on
a different pc.

Thanks in advance.


Most likely it is not the resolution but rather that they have large or
extra large fonts specified on their PC in Windows settings (or possible a
larger DPI setting). Not much you can do about that other than making all
TextBoxes and Labels a bit wider than you need them on your PC. I generally
don't worry about support large font settings to that degree.


Thanks Rick.

It's my other pc's at the moment. The font size is set to small. I can't
find any setting for dpi.

Set the same screen resolution on my laptop and pc, the font is definitely
slightly different (Same type / size selected).

Just widening controls does fix the problem though, but still curious as to
dpi setting.



Rick Brandt

swas said:
Thanks Rick.

It's my other pc's at the moment. The font size is set to small. I
can't find any setting for dpi.

Set the same screen resolution on my laptop and pc, the font is
definitely slightly different (Same type / size selected).

Just widening controls does fix the problem though, but still curious
as to dpi setting.

On my PC at least...

Right-click desktop - choose Properties
Settings Tab - Press [Advanced]
DPI setting is right there on the General Tab

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