Footer ONLY on last page ...


Technical I.T. Ltd

I have a footer which only appears on the last page of a document. I am not
using sections because as I found out when I insert my text into the blank
document, it extends the first section leaving a blank page at the end with
my footer. The field code I have used is as follows

{ IF {PAGE} = {NUMPAGES} {AutoText"CBEFooter"} "" \* MERGEFORMAT}

CBEFooter contains a green horizontal line the width of the page, underneath
the line is a paragraph of text (legal mumbo disclaimer type thing).

The documents vary from 2 to 4 pages long. At first it seems to work, 2
pages I get a footer at 2nd page everything fine, 3 pages (one blank in the
middle) as soon as I view the 3rd page the Spelling and Grammer icon
continually scans the page making the text cursor strobe, eventually Word
than actually crashes ...

I have tried turning OFF Spelling and Grammer checking, now the book icon on
the status bar is not shown at all but the icon still strobes and Word
eventually still crashes. ARGH !

Any ideas ?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

A couple of observations, neither of which will necessarily address or solve
the problem:

1. Your IF field doesn't actually have to have the "" FalseText; this is
optional and could be omitted, as (probably) could the \* MERGEFORMAT

2. If the green line is a drawing line, you might try using a paragraph
border instead. Word sometimes has problems with graphics anchored to

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
Word MVP FAQ site:

Technical I.T. Ltd

Thanks for the help. It was indeed the green line ...

Bit of a pain that Word doesnt tolerate it, and then just crashes, <sigh>

By removing the green line, I now get my page footer on the last page. BUT
after all that, my print preview inside Word as fine, but my final document
has the footer on EACH page when printed (apart from the first). I'm using a
product called pdfFactory
( to generate to
PDF, the program installs as a Printer any program can see. I guess there
isnt a concept of "page numbers" in pdfFactory.



Suzanne S. Barnhill

I suspect you're right. Sometimes solutions that work for Word will come
apart when a third-party app is introduced. I suspect that if you were using
Acrobat Distiller to produce the PDF you'd get what you expect, but since I
don't have Acrobat, I can't test this.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
Word MVP FAQ site:

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