Format Phone Number in Listbox



I have a listbox on a form. The source of the listbox is a query based upon
a table with a text field containing a phone number. The phone number in the
table appears as 1234567890. The query used as the source for the listbox
uses the input mask of "\(###") "###\-####" x"######;" which works fine when
you run the query. The problem is that when the lsitbox is displayed on the
form, the formatting is lost and the phone number displayes as 1234567890,
not (123) 456-7890.

Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong? Any help would be greatly
appreciated...thank you!

Peter Hibbs

Assuming that there are always 10 digits in the phone numbers try entering
this -

Expr: Format([YourFieldName],"(000) 000-0000")

in the Field box of the list box query (substitute your own field name, of

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