Format Phone Numbers Not Working ??


Al Franz

Using Excel 2003 and the Format Phone Numbers does not work. I have some
phone numbers as xxx-xxx-xxxx and others as (xxx) xxx-xxxx but can not get
them in all the same format. Excel does not seem to be smart enough? It
takes one or the other, should we be able to select the format?

Anne Troy

Likely, you need to first remove all the hyphens and parens in the existing
phone numbers. Then the formats will work. To get rid of that stuff, just
select the column, do a find for a hyphen and replace with nothing. Do a
find for left paren, replace with nothing, right paren, replace with
nothing. Then format the cells.

Hope this helps!
Anne Troy (better known as Dreamboat)
Author: Dreamboat on Word
Email: Dreamboat*at*

Frank Kabel

have you entered the phone numbers only as numbers or have you included
brackets, etc. manually. In the latter case your numbers are stored as
'Text' and can't be changed by a number format

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