Formula and values stay with row/cell after sort




Sheet1 A1:I1 are data entry, J1=Sheet1J1-Sheet1I1+Sheet2G1
Sheet2 G2 is data entry
Sheet2 A1=IF(Sheet1J1-Sheet1I1+Sheet2G1=0,A1," ")
B1=IF(Sheet1J1-Sheet1I1+Sheet2G1=0,D1," ")

Sheet1 has all data entry done first, then sorted Col D A-Z
Then Sheet2 has Col B sorted Z-A

Sheet2 sorts work fine, taking value and formulas from matching rows/cells
on Sheet1

But, after Sheet2 sort done, Sheet1 cell J2 remains static and not linked to
the now sorted rows on Sheet2

I need Sheet1 J1 to remain linked to it's matching Row on Sheet2 even after
Sheet2 Col B has been sorted.

Here's hoping I've worded the question so it makes sense.

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