Formula needed



I have the following columns.

Svgs Fee Total
1 $25.00 $15.00 $15.00
2 $25.00 $0.00 $25.00

I need to be able to tell Total to either put the svgs value or the fee

value but not both.

If we collect a fee we can not charge for the svgs we created.

If that makes since I would sure appreciate your help on this.

Thank you in advanced.

Harlan Grove

Admiral70 wrote...
I need to be able to tell Total to either put the svgs value or the fee
value but not both.

If we collect a fee we can not charge for the svgs we created.



Thanks for such a quick response. I think that will work, I noticed if
the Fee is a negative number it thoughs it off.

I will just have to tell them to not enter negative numbers there.


Harlan Grove

Admiral70 wrote...
Thanks for such a quick response. I think that will work, I noticed if
the Fee is a negative number it thoughs it off.

I will just have to tell them to not enter negative numbers there.

If you want the savings when fees are negative, use



After I see it and use it, it makes so much since. This should be
Excel 101 but could not find it anywhere.

Thanks for your help.

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