Formula to lookup in a range, find duplicates, and then total the data in the applicable duplicate c



Need to know if the following is possible?

I have a worksheet with several columns. One of those columns has some
duplicate entries. What I need a formula to do is locate all the
duplicates in this column. Then, based upon the values found in the
cells (currency) of a different column in those duplicate rows, total
the dollar amounts of these other cells. I don't know if it would be
possible to insert a blank row to show the total dollar value of the
dups, or perhaps "paste" (for lack of a better term) the resulting
dollar total into one of the duped cells.

Martin Fishlock

Hi Ryn:

I'm not really sure this is what you want but you can try:

1. Insert a new column and use countif to get the counts comparing to the
value in the column.
2. In a new column do sumif based on the same criterial as the previous
column but sum the number that you want
3. Apply auto filt the the worksheet and select items in the column in 1
greater than 1.
Note you may need to do a sumproduct to get the currency X the amount.

the sumproduct is =sumproduct(--(key=cell),currency column, amount column)
ie =sumproduct(--($a$2:$a$20=a2l),$b2:$b20,$c2:$c20)

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