Frame - display a from


Mark Flynn

How do I get a form to appear and function within a frame?
I'm trying to use "Inline Frame" , and this may not be the proper approach.
I have the "remote" web address that contains the form:

The idea is that visitors to my web can navagate to my products page which
contains the frame. The visitor sees my banner and drop down menus across
the top of the page and the form, below, which is located within the frame.
The visitor can use the form to search for products, and view search
results - all of which is contained in the frame.
How can I do this?
Thanks, Mark Flynn

Stefan B Rusynko

Don't use an Inline frame
- just add your form to your pages
(you can use a FP include page to reuse the same form on multiple pages)


SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
"Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;

| How do I get a form to appear and function within a frame?
| I'm trying to use "Inline Frame" , and this may not be the proper approach.
| I have the "remote" web address that contains the form:
| The idea is that visitors to my web can navagate to my products page which
| contains the frame. The visitor sees my banner and drop down menus across
| the top of the page and the form, below, which is located within the frame.
| The visitor can use the form to search for products, and view search
| results - all of which is contained in the frame.
| How can I do this?
| Thanks, Mark Flynn

Mark Flynn

Thanks for your prompt reply. I greatly appreciate your time and expertise.
The form that I want to insert resides on another web site.
I was hopping that I could somehow have the form available and function
within a page on my web site.
The form creator/owner gave me permission to use the form, and sent the URL
for the form.
I tried to cut'n past the form onto my page, but the fields do not function.
Any ideas on how I can make this happen?

Thanks, Mark Flynn

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